Itron, Inc. (NASDAQ:ITRI) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Tom Deitrich: Sure. So what we’ve seen year-to-date and what is baked into our guidance for Q4 is an EMEA market, which is kind of flat or to stable to where we are right now. We’ve certainly been selected about what we are bidding on. We’ve seen good turns and traction in water specifically in EMEA as I talked about in response to an earlier question. That’s what we would expect through Q4. Certainly there’s lots to watch around the macroeconomic situation for ’24 and beyond in EMEA and that we will think about as we set 2024 guidance overall. But for now, been stable and perhaps a little stronger than we had thought coming into the year.

Noah Kaye: Okay, thanks. And then just on outcomes, you give us some good flavor already this quarter of where you’re getting some additional awards and outcomes. But just wondered if you could spend a little bit more on where the real interest is from the customers at this point. I don’t want to steal any thunder from the Investor Day you’re going to have in 1Q. But we’d love to get sort of a preview of what will really drive outcomes growth in terms of applications?

Tom Deitrich: Sure. So every deal that we book in the — well not every deal, but I would say 80%, 90% of the deals that we book in networks comes along with an outcomes component to it. So that those two businesses are linked, although in terms of P&L they tend to be time offset, as Joan talked about earlier, by maybe a year, year and a half. What are our people really doing? They are upgrading infrastructure out at the edge of the grid. We do see the need for improved visibility to understand what is happening, and then doing something really intelligent with all of that visibility to better control the assets. So things like distributed intelligence, we have more than 8 million deployed units for DI capable endpoints today, which starts to open up a very nice greenfield for DI app increases analytics packages for outage management for DERMs visibility, distributed energy resource visibility, and certainly improving revenue assurance and the safety and efficiency aspects of the space are really the things that drive the outcomes revenue over the year ahead and beyond.

Those macro trends are very well aligned to customer needs and it gives us confidence that those trends will continue. We’ll get into more of the specific applications when we do the Investor Day next year.

Noah Kaye: Yes, that’s very helpful. And the data points that you’ve continued to provide on DI endpoints deployed in the field is helpful. I’m wondering if it’s possible or if you can start providing us some data points on take rates for those DI endpoints in terms of, I don’t know, either revenue per endpoint or percentage of endpoints that are using multiple applications. I’m not sure if you have those available today, but I would certainly appreciate some of those data points going forward?

Tom Deitrich: Right. Good question, Noah. And we agree with those thoughts. Those are — we want to try to develop very meaningful views on that sort of data. But I would say stay tuned. It’s very much aligned to how we’re thinking about the market. And we’ll be coming forward with those in quarters ahead.

Noah Kaye: Okay. Looking forward to that. Thank you.

Tom Deitrich: Excellent. Thanks, Noah.

Operator: Thank you. I’ll now turn the call back over to you sir for any closing remarks.

Tom Deitrich: Very good. Thank you, Lydia [ph]. Thank you all for joining. We are looking forward to reporting again in a few more months. And for now, have a good day.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude our conference for today. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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