Is Now the Time to Buy Land Securities Group plc (LAND)?

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As I say, the majority of Land Securities’ property assets are in London, where the property and rental markets look relatively stable. In addition, its management is committed to keeping debt low and maximizing shareholder returns.

And given the discount to book, too, I feel now looks to be a good time to buy Land Securities at 840 pence.

More FTSE opportunities
In addition to Land Securities, I am also positive on the FTSE 100 share highlighted within this exclusive free report. You see, the blue chip in question offers a 5.7% income, its shares might be worth 850 pence compared to about 700 pence now, and it has just been declared “The Motley Fool’s Top Income Stock for 2013.”

In the meantime, please stay tuned for my next verdict on a FTSE 100 share.

The article Is Now the Time to Buy Land Securities Group? originally appeared on and is written by Rupert Hargreaves.

Rupert Hargreaves does not own any share mentioned in this article.

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