Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) provides services through its iCloud utility, that allows to save data on a remote dedicated space on the web, keeping your information for synchronization with/from different company’s devices. Security is the main issue concerning this type of service and, apparently, it has been breached by hackers as nude photos of celebrities like The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence and model Kate Upton appeared on the web. Fortune Magazine editor, Alan Murray, discussed this issue on CNBC earlier today.
“I think it is a very big issue, not so much the celebrities’ nude photos, although that’s a piece of it. However, last week we had JP Morgan and a handful of other banks that were being hacked by Russians in that case, they think, […] and this affects every single company in America. Cyber security has become a huge issue,” pointed Mr. Murray.
Currently the matter is being investigated in order to establish the strategy employed by the attackers. The Wall Street Journal suggested that a user posted on GitHub (a repository web-based hosting service) a bug in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s Find My iPhone service that allowed accounts to be hacked using brute force (exhaustive tries of relevant possibilities) password generation. According to Time there are facts suggesting that sources for the photos were also from other devices unrelated to the cloud service offered by Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), i.e. Android phones.
Anybody’s account could be at stake if hackers actually managed to bypass security, yet panic is inappropriate for the moment, because the nature of the attacks is unclear. Obviously, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) will have a headache to relieve and hopefully will manage it perfectly. In fact, the IT giant has no other option but delivering the best because there’s the announced release of its new product accompanied by a new payment method and mistakes, errors, and bugs must be ruled out of the question.
Until the availability of a more detailed report about the hacks on Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) there should be no reason for paranoia, however, caution is always welcomed.
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