Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:IOVA) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Madhu Kumar: Okay. And then one last one on that point. So like you said, you think of the launch of lifileucel and post PD-1 melanoma, where do you think the bottleneck potentially would be – would it be on kind of the ability to manufacture? Would it be on bed capacity? Like where do you think you’re going to be slow? If you look at kind of the test case right from BCMA, CAR T drugs there is the bottleneck on manufacturing, like where do you think the kind of rate limiting step will effectively be?

Fred Vogt: Well, they had manufacturing as their rate limiter. We’re trying to make sure that doesn’t happen by building big there. We’ve talked about that. Beds we just discussed. I don’t think that’s going to be over a limiter. I don’t know exactly where it will occur at this point. We’re going to have to test it and see at this point. But we’re building big and we’re preparing for a very large successful launch. So hopefully whatever happens will not appear to be a drag from one of things. And we’ll be able to achieve numbers that, that are appropriate for the patient demand that’s out there.

Madhu Kumar: Okay. Great. Thanks very much everybody.

Operator: Thank you. And I’m showing no further questions at this time. So with that, I’ll hand the call back over to Interim CEO, Fred Vogt for closing remarks.

Fred Vogt: Thank you again for joining the Iovance Biotherapeutics first quarter 2023 financial results and corporate update conference call. We’ve had an exciting start to 2023 upon completing the BLA entering the Proleukin agreement, and delivering on our key regulatory, commercial, manufacturing and pipeline activities. I’m grateful for the patients, physicians, regulators, as well as our employees and cross-functional teams who have collaborated on our BLA submission while advancing our mission to be the global leader in TIL therapy. I would also like to thank our shareholders and covering analysts for their support. Please feel free to reach out to our Investor Relations team for follow-up. Thank you.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s conference call. Thank you.

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