Intercorp Financial Services Inc. (NYSE:IFS) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Luis Felipe Castellanos: Okay. Thanks very much. Hi, Greg. Thanks for your question. It’s a great question, actually. Let’s see €“ roughly, let’s go through numbers. In Interbank, we got to a point where we had close to 7,300 or 7,400 employees. Today, we’re operating with around 6,000 employees. Okay. So, that’s the direct impact in there of efficiency. However, it’s not that every branch that we’ve closed gets away people. We are hiring new people like for our call centers. Again, the digital model brings in places where you need to reinforce your relationship with customers, but that’s all in all the numbers, around less employees than what we had when we had the whole branch network. Okay. And then the organizational chart, that’s a fascinating question.

We are currently operating under like, let’s say, two types of organizational charts. The normal, the one that everybody knows, the ones that we still need to see because it . We’ve been deploying an agile methodology of working throughout the organization. So, we have that type of organization inside our organization. We are deploying more this into other areas. We started by technology. We expanded from technology to digital then to retail, and we continue to expand that. Now, we’re connecting with risk management and others. Actually, we have a project called Agility at Scale that we are starting to deploy for this year. And then there we are operating based on agile sales, agile teams, tribes and all that. You take a look, hopefully, we will resemble more Spotify in terms of the way they operate than .

That comes with giving the new talent more empowerment, more responsibilities, the ability to take away high vertical structures and all that to become a much more lean organization. Luckily, the culture that Interbank had was very flexible, not very bureaucratic. So, this is helping us go through the transformation. It is a challenge because, again, but we’re moving towards agility and scale if you want throughout our operations. So, I hope this answered your question, but if you want like send me an e-mail, we can get a coffee and discuss this and I know it’s probably one of your passions as well.

Rafael Borja: We have another question from from Prima AFP. When will the interoperability Plin-Yape take place? What kind of services are allowed to offer through the interoperability?

Luis Felipe Castellanos: Great. Well, thanks very much. That’s widely known in the news. But I’m going to pass it to Carlos so he can answer that.

Carlos Tori: The interoperability will be starting in April. And initially, it will be just P2P transfers. There will be a second phase later in the year, were €“ and the April interoperability will be between Plin and Yape. And then in June, July, every bank should be able to interoperate through a cell phone. But most €“ well, most clients are already here in Yape or Plin, so it shouldn’t be a big change. And then the next phase is QR codes. You will be able to read QR codes from each other, that should be starting July. So, that’s kind of the €“ that’s the interoperability. There’s no other services €“ talk about interoperability.

Rafael Borja: The next question comes from Daniel Merida from Diviso Bolsa. Could you consider some extraordinary dividends or maybe a buyback program during 2023?

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