IntelGenx Technologies Corp. (IGXT) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Andre Godin: We’re not there yet. I mean, as Dwight mentioned, and right now, the focus of the company is really short-term revenue and that should start unfolding early next year, but we have sufficient capacity right now to support the product launch. But at some point, we will have to definitely look at expanding, because based on the projections that we have for the product that will be launched next year, we’ll run our capacity at some point. But right now, we’re — I would say, we’re fine for at least 18 months to 24 months…

Dwight Gorham: Correct.

Andre Godin: … with the current capacity.

Dwight Gorham: Right. I mean it’s an ongoing project to look at and we run capacity utilization models on a regular basis. But we should be good through until mid-2025, if not till the end of 2025. And we will need to talk about this perhaps in some more length at the end of the first quarter in 2024.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. And the — any update, any discussions on prior — Andre is that still tabled pending the Endo bankruptcy?

Dwight Gorham: That’s on hold — that program is on hold.

Unidentified Analyst: That’s on hold. Okay. All right. That’s all for me. Thank you, gentlemen, and welcome aboard, Dwight.

Dwight Gorham: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you very much. Your next question is coming from Abraham Shapiro [ph], who is of private investor. Abraham, your line is live.

Unidentified Analyst: Yeah. Good evening, Andre. Good evening, Dwight and David. I was hoping that you guys down to $1 billion. I was hoping that there would be some sort of financial — financing news during the earnings, but time is of the effort. So I’m going to hold you guys that you’re going to announce something shortly. What did catch by ear is, first of all, congratulations on getting the CDM deal, so that time some revenue starts coming in, even though $3 million a year is not what we’re looking for it. It certainly started in the right direction to get some revenue. But you mentioned that RIZA is where you guys are going, right, for the money and you said you’re looking for the right partner. What happened with the partnership with the firm in Florida?

Dr. David Kideckel: Well, let me clarify, it’s David here. When we’re saying we’re looking for the right partner, the question was more referring in context to those in Europe. We still — we have our agreement, our partnership. Our U.S. commercial partner is Gensco Pharma based in Florida. So that — there’s been no change there. My comment again was more based on other markets within Europe.

Unidentified Analyst: And what is Gensco doing in regards to the partnership late — later?

Dr. David Kideckel: Well, we have regular update meetings with Gensco. So to launch a product, I’m sure, as you can appreciate, Abraham is no easy feat and we’re prepared for a launch. That’s what we’re doing as we speak.

Unidentified Analyst: I mentioned that last quarter conference call that the silence from them, maybe the partner could announce something on the data. I know that the Aquestive doesn’t say anything, Gensco, doesn’t say anything, I’m looking for somewhere from some of the partners. And again, you can’t control other companies, but certainly, you can recommend some sort of announcements.

Dwight Gorham: Yeah.

Dr. David Kideckel: Yeah. I mean I hear you, what I would — again, we can’t really speak for other companies, but Gensco is a private company. There’d be real not a lot of incentive for them to announce anything. I don’t even know if that’s part of the standard business. I can’t comment on them at all. But I mean, all we can control is what’s in our purview at IntelGenx. And I can tell you, RIZA USA is one of the pillars of the company.

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