IntelGenx Technologies Corp. (IGXT) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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What the most important projects and revenue generating opportunity that we have existing now is the one that I was referring to with a company that we believe we could be in a position to announce over the coming months.

Unidentified Analyst: That be associated with cats, maybe?

Dr. David Kideckel: It could be. It’s mostly dogs, but it’s also just to be clear, it’s not — it doesn’t have anything to do with CBD or any…

Unidentified Analyst: Okay.

Dr. David Kideckel: cannabinoid derive medicine.

Unidentified Analyst: But was it a prior study or maybe some type of effort with an undisclosed partner on cats. Is that one still active or?

Dr. David Kideckel: I’m not sure which one that’s actually referring to. I don’t recall any undisclosed partner with cats.

Unidentified Analyst: That was a BD before David.

Dr. David Kideckel: It could have been. To my knowledge, there is the only one that we’re looking at cats and again is the one in PEI — University of PEI and that’s more…

Unidentified Analyst: Yeah.

Dr. David Kideckel: … clinical and R&D in nature as opposed to the commercial.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. And there’s a product that’s in your SEC filing is called DisinteQ, if I’m saying that. I hope I’m seeing it properly, David, some controlled oral release film. Is that one active and going in discussions?

Dr. David Kideckel: I’m sorry, can you repeat that? Did you say DisinteQ?

Dwight Gorham: Yeah. I think it’s.

Unidentified Analyst: Yeah.

Dwight Gorham: Yeah. That’s…

Unidentified Analyst: D-I-S-T-E, DisinteQ.

Dwight Gorham: Yeah. This is correct. This is a platform that we have established and we filed IP on it. Right now, there are no current discussion on — with the existing partner with that, but it’s a platform that we still believe in and we’re trying to protect from an IP standpoint as much as we can and the hope is to offer it to a future partner in the near to mid future.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. And last question for me, nothing going on with — I have two questions. So with Heritage, is that kind of panned out?

Dr. David Kideckel: Yeah. Maybe I am — first of all, let me talk about Heritage and then maybe Dwight wants to comment on our overall cannabinoid program. But Heritage, the sales have been very low and I wouldn’t put this on Heritage, but it’s more just the Canadian market, in particular, has been quite lower in results than most people have thought. So Heritage is — while not saying by many means, as the program terminated, I would say that, it’s not forming a focal point to this company by any shape or form, just with effort and resource allocation, and ultimately, with material sales, which just aren’t panning out, it’s not something that we believe firmly in at this point for all of cannabis, not specifically Heritage again.

Dwight Gorham: And the THC platform, if I could use that terminology, David, is that still an attractive opportunity for IntelGenx.

Dr. David Kideckel: I personally don’t think so. And it’s not just for IntelGenx.

Dwight Gorham: Okay.

Dr. David Kideckel: I think the market in Canada as a whole is very saturated and I don’t see where incremental business will come to the company. But we never know too. We’re also very opportunistic. And if another partner comes to IntelGenx and asks us to develop as part of our CDMO business, particular products, I mean, we’d be very open to such an arrangement.

Unidentified Analyst: So the horizon for medical THC and cannabis looks a little bit soft, if I can use that acronym…

Dr. David Kideckel: Yeah.

Unidentified Analyst: … or description.

Dwight Gorham: Yeah. The market is very soft.

Dr. David Kideckel: Yeah.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. All right. And last question. How was — Andre, you said before about the plant build out that you needed some funds to complete or expand the plant for production? Is that going right?

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