IntelGenx Technologies Corp. (IGXT) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Dr. David Kideckel: No. That’s correct. They’re completely unrelated. One is more of an R&D type study and the other would be R&D going into commercial. Like you mentioned at the outset of your questions here, sir, this was at the University of Prince Edward Island or PEI out in Eastern Canada. The other — and that’s the university-based. The other project, which is more commercial and R&D in nature, at least at the outset, that’s with an actual company.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. Thank you very much, David. And also, has there been any movement in getting RIZAPORT into other European countries? I know a while ago they were talking about entry into some of the other big four. I know that they’re stalled currently in Spain and I’m sure in August not much gets done in Spain. But I wondered if there was any movement on entering other European markets with that product?

Dr. David Kideckel: Yeah. No. Thank for the question. David here again. I’ll take this. The short answer is, nothing material to report. Even Spain, as you heard in Mr. Gorham’s prepared remarks, has been delayed to some extent. In fact, we reported no sales this quarter. We hope that some of the regulatory issues on the ground in Spain will be rectified. But there certainly are other European markets that as part of the corporate development and business development team were actively or listening to potential opportunities, but nothing right now that we can report that’s material.

Unidentified Analyst: Terrific. Well, thank you all very much for taking my call and again, congratulations.

Dwight Gorham: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. Thank you very much. Your next question is coming from Hugh Kelly [ph], who’s a private investor. Hugh, your line is live.

Unidentified Analyst: Yes. Good afternoon, everyone. First question I have on the — to follow-up the gentleman’s question with Spain. There was any — I know on the last call, they thought they were submitting a new application to the authorities to resolve that packaging or a substitution issue, but that’s not resolved as of yet?

Dr. David Kideckel: That’s correct. That’s not resolved as of yet. And I mean the sales has shown it. I mean we — there’s essentially zero sales in rest of world for RIZA. But at the end of the day as well, I mean, Spain, it’s not even one of the top four markets in Europe. So we are keeping a very close eye on that and speak with our partners Exeltis for Spain, and if there’s any material updates, as always, we would share that with investors and the market.

Unidentified Analyst: So the same issues that effect on non-pharmaceutical and the other partner, I think, ARWAN?

Dr. David Kideckel: ARWAN, no…

Dwight Gorham: That…

Dr. David Kideckel: Those are — yeah. No. That would be separate. ARWAN is more for the Middle East and Lebanon in particular with the goal to — as a gateway to other parts of the Middle East, but those are completely unrelated right now. We’re dealing with ARWAN too with a number of other, I guess, hiccups that we’re trying to work through our contractual agreements. But again, I would focus, if I have you and an investor, I think, the biggest opportunity having crunched the numbers and doing this on a near weekly, if not daily basis, RIZA USA is by far one of the company’s largest opportunities. And that’s what we’re putting a lot of our efforts into right now and we have been for the past several months.

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