Intapp, Inc. (NASDAQ:INTA) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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So I think it is a net positive today, even though we’re early in the place where that model may be a major contributor. Dave, do you want to say more?

David Morton: Yes. No, John is spot on. When you think know some of the larger enterprise in their respective industries that we serve, not only is it check the box but it’s also a great avenue for additional conversations of what can foreshadow opportunities on both ends. And so, I think that’s been a great series of conversation points. When you think about just overall impact in today’s P&L, as John had noted, it’s very immaterial and dollar-for-dollar it’s, it’s same. And so, like, we’re looking longer term and how we continue to evolve both of these relationships and get some materiality that we could give some additional color on.

Matt VanVliet: Okay, very helpful. And then as you look towards the second half of the fiscal year here or out over a longer period of time, where do you stand in terms of your headcount and the needs to continue to expand that? What areas of the business do you expect to continue to sort of grow more or less in line with revenue growth and what areas do you have enough scale now that you can really kind of build into?

David Morton: I don’t think we’re going to grow at the levels of revenue per se, either expense or headcount. So you’re always going to see some natural leverage coming off the model. As far as headcount going forward, it’s primarily going to be in your product and engineering as we talk about these different items that we continue to bring online. So we talked about the investment within AI as well as the industry solutions that we’ve narrated on. And so, that’s been a good series of early day investments. And then moving back over, we’ve narrated a little bit about our partner economy. And so, we can see some small incremental investments on that. And then, to the extent that we go further international with a broader scale and this is a little bit down the road, you can see some incremental investment in that, that’s more in sales and marketing; and addressing any concerns or any areas of opportunity that we would see there.

Matt VanVliet: Great. Look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Brian Schwartz of Oppenheimer.

Ari Friedman: This is Ari Friedman sitting in for Brian Schwartz. I had a question just on like international. I know, you guys had said about 30% of the revenue came from international in that 2Q? Dave, were there any geographies that came like above your expectations? Or did all geographies kind of come in line? Any color on that would be helpful.

David Morton: Yes, everything pretty much came in line. It’s a good series of activities. We have opportunities, obviously, going forward. And so, as we continue to expand on that. I would say, in the past, some of those opportunities have been more opportunistic versus purposeful. And I think you’ll hear us start narrating some of the international areas of opportunity more purposeful vis-à-vis, us going direct versus being pulled in on some of our hub-and-spoke with accounts. So hopefully, that gives you some additional color on that.

Operator: Thank you. Okay. That does conclude our Q&A session. I’d like to turn the call over to John Hall for any closing remarks.

John Hall: Okay. Thanks, everyone. We appreciate your attention and your questions and we have a great Q2 behind us. And we’re excited to talk to you again this month at Investor Day on February 22. So for now, we’ll let you go. Have a great day.

Operator: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude today’s conference. Thank you all for participating. You may now disconnect. Have a great day.

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