IDW Media Holdings, Inc. (AMEX:IDW) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Allan Grafman: So I can try to answer that, David, by two metrics. First, we have agreements with a significant different diversified group of partners including Universal, including 20th, tenth century, including Hulu, including Warner Bros including Cartoon Network, including Lionsgate. So we’re diversified. We’re not tied to. We’re not hamstrong. So we have a diversified set of relationships As it relates to genres, we are across all genres within the movie business is called four quadrants. So we do have properties that range from animated for the Cartoon Network and children through tweens, teens and adults. And so I would like to say that we have a wide enough portfolio of intellectual property and a diversified set of relationships that give us excellent opportunities. So I hope that answers your question, David

David March: Yes, that’s helpful. And you’ve mentioned that you are exploring some opportunities perhaps it sounds like perhaps in mobile gaming. Did I hear that correctly? And could you talk-I mean, obviously, again, those titles, but could you talk a little bit broadly about what maybe some of the kind of low-hanging fruit might be there? And timing perhaps if you have any on any possible releases into iTunes and the Google Store and so forth?

Allan Grafman: So on timing I can’t, except to say it’s not near term. Console games, I was in the console business before, and I’ve also been in the mobile business. Console games take a very long time. Mobile games do not. We are focused on opportunities that will put our intellectual property into games quickly, cheaply and allow us to see if we can monetize it. Just to be clear, we do not invest our capital in these Initiatives. We don’t invest it really across podcasts or mobile games. We may put a little bit of money into some explorations in the future, including those categories. But it’s we’re in conversations, and I wouldn’t be – I could call the negotiations, David, but I’m not going to I’m going to call them conversations. People who have come to us, ask if we’re interested. We’ve said yes, and that’s where we are. So it’s early days.

David March: Sure. It makes a lot of sense. And then I guess lastly for me, I mean, you guys ended the year with $10 million in cash, which is a pretty solid position. I mean as you look forward, do you feel like that sufficient liquidity to fund operations going forward for the next multiple years if it’d be just given the pipeline that you see and the expense structure that you currently have?

Allan Grafman: So we have enough cash to execute our strategy in 2023 That being said, I don’t want to project beyond that. We’re focused and we’re careful, and our strategy is to use what we’re strong in and to partner with people who are stronger in other sectors, including cash. So we’re focused on conserving cash, executing our plan, and we’re going to be able to do that for 2022

David March: Sounds good. I’m sorry, just let me slip one more in. Do you have a number of projections for capital expenditures for this year?

Allan Grafman: Brooke?

Brooke Feinstein: And what do you mean exactly by capital expenditures?

David March: Just anything that’s going to hit the investing line on the cash flow statement from a purchase of new.

Brooke Feinstein: Like assets and stuff. I mean we signed our two new leases this year, and you’ll see those ROU assets on the balance sheet. And basically the old improvement and the private and equipment, all of that would have hit this year. So I would say very minimal

Operator: As there are no more questions, this concludes our question-and-answer session.

Allan Grafman: Thank you, all.

Operator: This concludes today’s teleconference You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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