IDEX Corporation (NYSE:IEX) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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We’ve got a lot of pumps and things that are involved in pumping liquid asphalt. So that’s kind of a nature of some of these relationships. So you can line up both government-intensive work that’s supported that way as well as just general industrial are people feeling confident about the work that they’re doing in their factories. Either one and taken together drive this dynamic.

Andrew Buscaglia: Yeah. All right. Thanks for the color.

Eric Ashleman: Yeah.

Operator: Our next question is from the line of Joe Giordano with TD, Cowen. Please proceed with your questions.

Joe Giordano: Hey, guys. Thanks for sneaking me in here. I had a question on HST just on the revenue guide. I was a little surprised at the strength there and I know you guys don’t guide to orders, specifically. But if you just kind of hold orders around the fourth-quarter level, maybe a little bit above into the 2024 and just run off the excess orders that were done like post-COVID when book-to-bill was really high it kind of implies like a decent decline next year. So, I was curious if you’re contemplating, in order of recovery of more magnitude in 2024 for HST?

Abhi Khandelwal: Yeah. So if I kind of think about the guide for the year and look at the order– sequential order run up from Q3 to Q4, as you mentioned. First of all, the uptick in orders of $30 million from Q3 to Q4 $10 million of that was blanket orders. That’s going to ship throughout 2024 and $20 million of debt was through demand or sequential improvement that we saw throughout the quarter. That said, as I think about 2024, we do expect to build or build the orders up as we go throughout the year. As Eric mentioned, we are being cautious, given where we are seeing early signs of recovery in the different parts of HST. So as you think about the order profile and think about the balance of the year, we expect to continue to build that order book up and ship that throughout the year.

Eric Ashleman: And then just a reminder that, again, about half the segment is pretty industrial in nature, so it kind of mirrors a lot of the other comments that we’ve had many of them around FMT businesses, but you get about half of that, driving and supporting HST as well.

Joe Giordano: Thanks, guys.

Operator: Thank you. At this time, we have reached the end of our question-and-answer session and I will turn the call over to Eric Ashleman for closing remarks.

Eric Ashleman: Okay. Well, thanks everyone on the call for your questions and the interest in IDEX. Abhi, thanks for joining and coming to your first earnings call with me. Just a few things here. I mean, number one, we realize from the outside, IDEX is a complex and diversified company. And it hasn’t helped that we’ve had a lot of, swings in some of the larger markets of the company, both up-and-down over the last couple of years. So, we’ve done our best to work through that with you and help you understand where we are. I think right now that we’re actually in a place where things are a lot clearer than they’ve been in a while. Certainly, one of our key messages here is we’ve hit a uniform market stability, we hit that last fall and we really enjoyed Q4 and being having a chance to take a breath and get lined up here for the beginnings of what we think will be a great cycle.

The vast majority of our end markets are starting to see a return to growth, as we said and I think that point around the shorter cycle business is starting to move together. That has always been a very reliable proxy for us in the company. Early days, but we’ve seen that, we’ve now seen it reinforced in January. And I remind people that as we’ve tuned IDEX and tuned it to the kind of companies that we brought in that are faster-growing closer to really, really strong OEMs, it drives a series of bets and initiatives across the company where the unit measure is a little bit larger. We’re working to execute that and laying that on a foundation as we go. The fundamental piece of the story here is, we have confidence in accelerating through the year.

The Life Sciences and Analytical Instrumentation world, it is uncertain for 2024. But I do want to come back and just echo some comments I’ve made before about just our commitment to that space and are confident in the long-term fundamental performance that we’re all going to enjoy there and our positioning is fantastic. We see that evidenced by the innovation that we’re being asked to do. And finally, we put a lot of capital to work over the last three years with real intentionality in some pretty choppy seas. And so if things are going to calm down and we’ll get some more winds at our back, I’m really, really confident we’ll be able to push that further, and continue to do that work and continue to transform the company. So thanks again for joining.

Have a great day.

Operator: This will conclude today’s conference. Thank you for your participation and you may now disconnect your lines at this time.

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