Iconix Brand Group Inc. (ICON): Huber Capital Management Signs An Agreement

Page 7 of 8 – SEC Filing
b. Mr. Huber may be deemed to have sole power to dispose of, individually, and on behalf of HCM’s clients, 6,991,079 shares
of Common Stock. Mr. Huber may also be deemed to have sole power to vote, individually, and on behalf of HCM’s clients, 2,635,302
shares of Common Stock. The power to vote the remaining shares rests with the HCM client or clients for whom such shares were acquired.
c. Mr. Huber may be deemed to have caused the purchase, on behalf of the clients of HCM, the following shares of Common Stock
within the past 60 days:
Transaction Date Shares/Units Purchased (Sold) Price per Share/Unit (average price)
8/2/2016 72,700 $6.83
8/3/2016 85,732 $6.73
d. Please see (a) above.
e. Not applicable.
Item 6. Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships
with Respect to Securities of the Issuer

The Reporting Persons are parties to the Agreement described
in Item 4 hereof and attached as Exhibit 2 to this Amendment No. 2

Item 7. Material to Be Filed as Exhibits.
99.2 Agreement between Iconix Brand Group, Inc., Huber Capital Management, LLC and Joseph R. Huber, dated September 26, 2016.

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