IAC Inc. (NASDAQ:IAC) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Christopher Halpin: Yeah. LTV2CAT is heading in the right direction, and that is the transactions that we are retaining are more valuable. There are some short-term things that are in there, which Chris and I referenced earlier, which is the channel that we talked about in Q2, where we made some meaningful adjustments there in the name of quality, and that’s taking a longer time to ramp back up. And so that has some short-term impact in the economics. But generally, LTV2CAT is heading in the right direction.

Joey Levin: Yeah, and we also had some brand, specifically TV ramp up year-over-year in that number you’re calculating. So I think we feel good about the trends and would just say the metrics that you’re backing into wouldn’t be given the full picture. And then, on the Dotdash question, did we answer where you were coming from?

Kunal Madhukar: Yeah. Thank you.

Joey Levin: Perfect. And just to add one more to that, just to make it clear, you can see monetized transactions per SR going up. We talked about that in the letter. That’s been a trend. And that is a counter to revenue for monetized transactions.

Christopher Halpin: Right.

Joey Levin: Right. Well, thank you, everyone. Thank you, Operator. Thank you, everyone, for your questions. And have a great morning.

Christopher Halpin: Thank you all. Bye-bye.

Operator: The conference has now concluded. Thank you for attending today’s presentation. You may now disconnect your lines.

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