Most people have used Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s mapping products at some point. No matter why you have turned to one of these services, you know that the search engine giant is the leader in this space. We recently talked about the company taking this feature to new heights, and now we are here with even more information on this.
Here is a recent blog post on the official Google blog: Only clear skies on Google Maps and Earth
If you don’t have time to check out the entire blog post, here is the basic rundown:
“To celebrate the sunny days of summer (in the northern hemisphere at least), today we’re launching new satellite imagery for Google’s mapping products. This stunning global view is virtually cloud-free and includes refreshed imagery in more locations—giving you an even more accurate and comprehensive view of our planet’s landscape.”
To better understand exactly what this means, here is the explanation from Google:
“The result is a single, beautiful 800,000 megapixel image of the world, which can be viewed in Earth and Maps when you’re zoomed out to a global view. This global image is so big, if you wanted to print it at a standard resolution of 300 dots per inch you’d need a piece of paper the size of a city block! This image is then blended into our highest resolution imagery, giving a beautiful cloud-free global view and detailed images in the same seamless map.”
You don’t have to worry about clouds getting in your way any longer. With this new feature from Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) you can see clearly, ensuring that you get the information you were looking for without any delay.
There is no other service in the world that is capable of providing the detail of this one.
If you are interested in the new satellite imagery, you can get started by navigating to Google Maps and turning on satellite view. You can also open Google Earth and zoom out. Either way, the result is going to be the same.
Just when you think Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is going to sit back and take a rest they push ahead with something even more exciting.