Huize Holding Limited (NASDAQ:HUIZ) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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So, I think it still takes time for us to really jump up our channels and push sales. But I think we’re getting a decent market feedback on this innovative product, which enables Hong Kong residents or no privileges as to retirement in the Mainland. I think this is a very innovative product structure. And I think that given time, — but for the product to run, I think that we will be achieving pretty good sales on this. With respect to MCB I think. We are also gaining momentum there because of our brand equity in the Mainland China. And I think — we’re also getting a good attention from incoming travelers. And so, with respect to product mix there, I think mostly, I think as we have seen in other companies or other operators in the Hong Kong market, the strongest demand is probably still for savings products that is underwritten by Hong Kong or international insurance companies with brand name.

So, I think that’s my answer to your second question.

Operator: [Operator Instructions]. Our next question comes from Amy Chan of Citi. Please go ahead.

Unidentified Analyst: Hi. Congratulations on another possible quarter. And I have two questions here. The first one would be on guidance for next year. You touched a bit on the trend of product mix in the third quarter. And I wonder if you could share more color about your product strategy in 2024. And also, what’s your outlook in terms of brokerage income as well as on the earnings side? And the second question is that we see that — the company has made enormous assets on containing operating costs through all fronts. And we see that effectively, the operating cost-to-income ratio has come down. I’m wondering if the management has a target for this ratio. Thank you.

Ron Tam : Okay. Thank you, Amy. So, with respect to your first question on guidance. Right now, we have not refreshed our guidance for the next year. I think we’ll be giving guidance when we are coming up with the fourth quarter results next year. I think we are still looking to strategize on the overall strategy for next year. So, it’s a bit early to tell now. in product mix, I think we can share a little bit more insights. I think in the new year, we’re more likely to cooperate with larger-sized insurance companies. with respect to savings-related products in particular and we can also explore cooperation with [indiscernible] and joint venture companies that are involved in the savings category. And in particular, with respect to participating products, I think that we would very likely will be rolling out a customized product in that segment.

Second, I think we still have a very strong focus on retirement and annuities products with additional service tied to the insurance policies. So, I think that’s something that is in strong demand, and we can — we are also able to drive differentiating product innovations in this to set ourselves apart from the competition. So, I think those two will be our strong focus for next year in terms of product strategy. And on the cost side, I think it’s always going to be top of our mind in terms of driving additional efficiencies across the business, across the organizational structure. So, I think that we’ll continue to drive costs down. And I think there’s always a further room to improve in that regard. Maybe we have already done quite substantial cost-cutting already year-to-date.

But then I think that’s something that we will continue to be very focused on. Maybe we can squeeze out another few percentage points there. But we will continue to work hard on that to drive probability for the business.

Operator: [Operator Instructions]. Seeing no further questions at this time. I’ll now turn the call back to Kenny Lou for any closing remarks.

Unidentified Company Representative : Thank you, operator. In closing, on behalf of Huize’s management team, we would like to thank you for your participation in today’s call. If you require any further information, feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for joining us today. This concludes the call.

Operator: The conference has now concluded. Thank you for attending today’s presentation, and you may now disconnect.

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