How to Make Money in High School Legally

5. Newspaper Delivery

I know that you’re probably thinking about who is going to read newspapers in a world where everything can be found on the internet, but believe it or not, there are still many people who enjoy their breakfast and morning coffee with newspapers, especially elderly ones. The only thing you need to have for the number 5 on our list of how to make money in high school legally is a bicycle and a strong will to ride it every morning before the school, on a specific route. At the same time, riding the bicycle is quite healthy, so this is one more thing that should motivate you to start earning money this way. Some of the people who take newspapers can be quite generous and offer you a tip, which is a plus. With this job, you may earn $12 per an hour, and you may end up earning up to $500 monthly.

How to Make Money in High School Legally

Brian A Jackson/