Recently, Mario Gabelli, a famous investment manager, told CNBC about two stocks that he expects will double in value. One is Gencorp Inc (NYSE:GY), the provider of aerospace and defense products. The other is Legg Mason, Inc. (NYSE:LM), the global asset management company. In this article, I will take a closer look at Gencorp to see whether or not we should follow Mario Gabelli into this stock at its current price.
Huge Real Estate Asset
Gencorp operates two main business segments: aerospace and defense, and real estate.
Real Estate Value is not reflected in the Book Yet
As of November 2012, Gencorp had a negative book value of -$393 million, $162 million in cash, and nearly $250 million in debt. The net property, plant and equipment on the book was only worth $144 million. The land was valued only at $32.8 million, while the buildings and improvements was valued at nearly $140 million. As property, plant and equipment are recorded at cost, I personally think the book extremely undervalues the market value of Gencorp’s properties. Mario Gabelli liked Gencorp mainly for the company’s huge real estate asset in Sacramento.
Debt Financed Acquisition
In the middle of last year, the company agreed to buy Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, a rocket-engine maker, for $550 million from its rival United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX). Gencorp is worth around $712.5 million on the market and it has only $162 million in cash. Thus, in order to pay for Rocketdyne, it has to incur much more debt. Recently, the company has confirmed that it would sell $460 million worth of its 7.125% second-priority senior secured notes, maturing in 2021, to finance this purchase. After the senior secure notes sale, its debt load would increase significantly, from $250 million to around $710 million.