Nuverra Environmental Solutions Inc (NYSE:NES)
Probably the most intriguing company, at least in terms of its core business, is Nuverra. The company is in the process of building out a full-cycle environmental solution for shale producers, which includes managing the water used in fracking while recently expanding to provide solutions for solid waste like drill cuttings in the Bakken. Like C&J Energy Services Inc (NYSE:CJES), its stock is cheap and its future opportunities are immense, which makes it a very intriguing energy stock especially when considering the importance that environmental solutions will play as we keep fracking.
Final Foolish thoughts
While I’ve personally invested in both Nuverra and Hi-Crush, given the recent run-up in units of Hi-Crush Partners LP (NYSE:HCLP), I’d prefer to add to my position in Nuverra if having to choose between the two. I like how the company is tackling the environmental issues of fracking and seems to be making very smart acquisition choices to complement its suite of services. My only concern is that a competitor like Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) will bring innovations to the market that could put the company’s competitive advantage at risk.
The article 5 Intriguing Energy Stocks to Invest In originally appeared on
Fool contributor Matt DiLallo owns shares of Nuverra Environmental Solutions and has the following options: short July 2013 $17.5 puts on Hi-Crush Partners. The Motley Fool recommends BreitBurn Energy Partners and owns shares of Hi-Crush Partners and Nuverra Environmental Solutions and has the following options: long Jan. 2014 $4 calls and short Jan. 2014 $3 puts on Nuverra Environmental Solutions.
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