If you ever wondered how much the porn actresses on your screen earn, well we gathered from various sources a list of how much female porn stars make for each type of scene.
Porn is a topic that has divided the nation and is still considered a taboo topic, despite considering how liberal the US has become. Many people believe that porn is degrading the society and is a representation of our perverted fantasies. They believe that sex should be a private act and selling your body to earn money is reprehensible and should be illegal. Such people might consider moving to countries such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan where porn is actually banned.
I believe that a person should be free to do whatever they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone. The reason for doing porn does not matter; some people are more likely to accept a woman entering the porn industry if they believe she is struggling to pay bills and support herself. But if a woman does it simply because she likes it and she earns good money, that should not matter either. After all, we all know the famous trope of entering porn to pay off college debt is cliched and generally false. While it may seem easy, acting in porn is actually a tough job with tough hours and few perks. If you are interested in an easy job, you might want to visit 11 Easiest and Best Paying Jobs in the World.

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This brings us to the topic of earnings in this industry. There is no doubt that porn is a multi-billion dollar industry. In 2010, out of the one million most popular websites in the world, at least 4% were porn. Other estimates suggest that up to a quarter of all websites in the world display porn. This may make you believe that porn stars are millionaires, but the truth is substantially different. While there are few genuine statistics available publicly in this regard, the general consensus is that porn stars often make average wages, with only the top few earning serious dough.
While porn is another industry in which the wage gap exists, surprisingly the wage gap here is in favor of women. While women are paid differently according to the type of scene they are shooting, which we’ll get into later, men are generally paid on a per scene or per day basis and the pay is considerably less than what females earn, which is understandable since women are the main attraction of such movies. You might be further surprised to know that women can actually earn more when they start out as they can command more money for extreme scenes, but later on, their earnings depend mostly on their popularity.
We used Quora, where porn websites owners discussed how much they paid per scene as well as Business Insider, who talked to one of the top porn agents in the country, to determine how much female porn actresses earn for each type of scene. If you ever wondered how much your favorite porn stars earned to act out your fantasies, then here’s your answer – this is how much female porn stars make for each type of scene: