Hedge Fund News: James Dinan, John Burbank & David Einhorn

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Milwaukee Bucks add third hedge fund owner (CNBC)
The big “bucks” keep flowing from Manhattan to Milwaukee. Billionaire investor Jamie Dinan, founder of York Capital Management, has joined fellow hedge fund managers Marc Lasry of Avenue Capital and Wes Edens of Fortress Investment Group as a “substantial” owner of the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks. Dinan became an owner in July, but it was first disclosed in a news release Thursday night announcing a separate group of new partial stakeholders. They include “community leaders and philanthropists” who the Bucks hope will represent a “bold new model of private, community and potentially public partnership.”


Ex-analyst gets 5 years in prison in NYC case (PressTelegram)
A former investment analyst for a San Francisco hedge fund was sentenced Thursday to five years in prison after prosecutors labeled him one of the most prolific leakers of inside information they’d ever seen. Before hearing the sentence in federal court in Manhattan, a tearful Matthew Teeple apologized for bringing shame to his family. “It saddens me beyond words and I am deeply remorseful,” said Teeple, a married father of three small children.

Everest, Passport and the Emerging Market Mantra (InstitutionalInvestorsAlpha)
John Burbank, the CEO of $4 billion Passport Capital in San Francisco, has been looking pretty smart about how to play emerging markets, although the global downturn this week is cutting into almost everyone’s long positions. About two years ago Burbank decided that some of the biggest future earnings were in Chinese Internet companies – then in September the Chinese Internet commerce site Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (NYSE:BABA) came out with the biggest initial public offering of the year, at $22 billion…

Prince Harry: Seeking Hedge-Fund Hottie? (NYMag)
Prince Harry: spotted giving a speech at the 100 Women in Hedge Funds gala dinner in London last night. On a mission to scope hard for a hedge-fund babe? Oh, certainly. But it wasn’t as easy as shooting fish in a ballroom. “I am not entirely sure who made the seating plan but I am sitting between two men,” Harry said (glaringly?). “I thought it would just be 100 women and myself.” No word yet on the fate of the two proximate males.Were they promptly dispatched to another kingdom? Only Harry and his hedge-fund harem could answer that, and they are quite preoccupied sharing pro-tips on managing limited partnerships.

Short Seller Mulls Starting Hedge Fund Management Firm (FA-Mag)
Short seller Carson Block, the founder of research firm Muddy Waters LLC who has exposed accounting problems at a slew of Chinese companies, said on Thursday that he is seriously considering launching a hedge fund investment firm. “We are more so than ever very seriously considering becoming a fund manager, but it would not be the same sort of Muddy Waters 8,000-page reports,” Block said in an interview. “When you’re running a fund management business, it takes a lot of resources to put those out.” Block said his hedge fund firm would combine activism with long-short strategies but with an emphasis on betting against companies.

Stimulus won’t be removed ‘anytime soon’: Pro (CNBC)

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