Ralph Nader offers names of 20 billionaires who can run for president and “break up two party duopoly” (SFGate)
Consumer advocate and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader wants to shake up 2016 presidential politics — and is suggesting the names of 20 billionaires, including a crowd from Silicon Valley, who he says can make the White House run and “break up the two party duopoly.” Hedge fund manager Tom Steyer, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) COO Sheryl Sandberg and tech guru Mark Andreessen are all part of the list Nader has sent out in an email today, along with a warning how the 2016 presidential race is already shaping up with Republicans and Democrats in charge.
Hedge Fund Natural Gas Wagers Jump on Tumbling Supplies: Energy (Businessweek)
Hedge funds increased bullish bets on natural gas for the fifth time in six weeks as arctic weather stoked demand for the heating fuel, depleting stockpiles and sending prices to a five-year high. Money managers’ net-long positions, or wagers on rising prices, jumped 5 percent in the seven days ended Feb. 18, to the highest level since May, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission data show. Bearish bets slid 7.3 percent to the lowest level in more than two years.
Hedge-Fund Billionaires Invest in Politics from Two Perspectives (PublicNewsService)
Two hedge-fund billionaires with opposite political leanings have just organized themselves and their wealthy friends to inject more than $100 million into this year’s electoral campaigns. Their efforts continue the pattern made possible by judicial rulings that have opened the floodgates to unlimited spending by individuals, corporations and unions, said Robert Maguire, an analyst for the Center for Responsive Politics. “At least three of the most politically active nonprofits got more than 90 percent of their money from one or two donors,” he said.
What the Hell is Neil Barsky Doing With His Money? (InsidePhilanthropy)
The Marshall Project is Neil Barsky’s grand new venture. It’s being billed as a “not-for-profit, non-partisan news organization dedicated to covering America’s criminal justice system.” It’s set to launch in mid-2014 and Barsky has already poached former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller to act as The Marshall Project’s editor-in-chief. So what does a former hedge fund manager like Barsky think he’s doing by jumping into the newly expanding world of nonprofit digital journalism?
Ex-Deutsche Bank team shuts emerging markets hedge fund (eFinancialNews)
The firm, which was set up by Kay Haigh, the former global head of emerging markets trading at Deutsche Bank, is closing following redemptions after investors lost appetite for emerging markets, Financial News has learned. Lucy Blair, marketing and investor relations, told Financial News: “As appetite for dedicated emerging markets funds decreased, there was an erosion of our assets that compromised our ability to provide an institutional offering.”
Bearish economist Roubini mildly enthusiastic about Canadian economy (TheGlobeAndMail)
Nouriel Roubini, the bearish economist known as Dr. Doom, is now moderately enthusiastic about the Canadian economy, although he thinks our dollar should be 10 per cent below where it is now. Mr. Roubini, speaking to a Bay St. crowd at a meeting of the Economic Club of Canada in Toronto Monday, said Canada’s economy is “doing okay, [but] not exceptionally.” While growth of 2.3 or 2.4 per cent is expected this year and will go a bit higher next year, there are challenges, he said. First of all, commodity prices expected to decline, while the resource boom has led to a relatively high dollar that is “crowding out manufacturing,” he said.
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