Hedge Fund and Insider Trading News: Ray Dalio, David Tepper, John Paulson, Daniel Loeb, Alameda Research, Castellum Inc (CTM), Williams Rowland Acquisition Corp. (WRAC), and More

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Breaking Up a Billionaire’s Property Empire (The Real Deal)
Billionaire hedge funder John Paulson may have given away $100 million to put his name on New York University’s newest building, but that’s peanuts compared to what he could soon part with. Paulson and his wife, Jenica, are locked in a bitter divorce that will divvy up, among other things, a real estate portfolio worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Paulson, who made his fortune betting against subprime mortgage bonds before the Great Recession, is worth $4.8 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. King Solomon made it work with a baby, but dividing a baby is child’s play compared to a billionaire’s property portfolio.

Billionaire David Tepper Is Betting Against the Stock Market Because of the Federal Reserve (Barron’s)
Appaloosa Management’s David Tepper says he is worried further tightening of monetary policies from global central banks will hurt the stock market. “I’m leaning short on the equity markets. I think the upside/downside [risk here] just doesn’t make sense to me when I have so many central banks telling me what they are going to do,” the hedge fund manager said Thursday on CNBC’s Squawk Box. “This is a tough level [for the S&P 500] to talk about robust returns.”

Hedge Fund Billionaire Loeb Slams ‘Stonk’ Picker Cathie Wood (Forbes)
TOPLINE: Daniel Loeb, the billionaire founder of the hedge fund Third Point, took to Twitter Wednesday to criticize famed investor Cathie Wood for her investing strategies, piling onto recent pushback against Wood, who rose to fame for her signature, tech-heavy Ark Innovation ETF’s historical performance against the market but has famously tanked in 2022.

Ray Dalio’s Top Quotes of 2022 (The Street)
Ray Dalio may have opened his hedge fund firm in 1975, but he actually started trading stocks well before that. Dalio, the founder of Westport, Conn.-based Bridgewater Associates, purchased his first stock – 300 shares of Northeastern Airlines – at age 12, and hasn’t stopped trading 60 years later. With $150 billion in assets under management, Bridgewater is the largest hedge fund trading firm in the world and Dalio gets the lion’s share of credit for that.

Unique Vehicle for a Unique Opportunity (Hedge Nordic)
Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The spreads between Scandinavian mortgage bonds and government bonds have been very low for many years due to central bank interventions and other market forces. The time of ultra-low interest rates and massive quantitative easing is over amid efforts to prevent inflation from spiraling out of control, triggering a significant spread widening in Swedish and Danish mortgage bonds.

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