Hedge Fund and Insider Trading News: Marc Lasry, Carlson Capital, Citadel Investment Group, Elliott Management, Safehold Inc (SAFE), Blucora Inc (BCOR), and More

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Blucora Inc (BCOR) President and CEO John S Clendening Sold $1.9 million of Shares (Guru Focus)
President and CEO of Blucora Inc (30-Year Financial, Insider Trades) John S Clendening (insider trades) sold 64,250 shares of BCOR on 07/17/2019 at an average price of $29.04 a share. The total sale was $1.9 million. Blucora Inc provides technology-enabled financial solutions to consumers, small business owners, and tax professionals. It offers products in wealth management and tax preparation services and helps individuals manage their financial lives. Blucora Inc has a market cap of $1.43 billion; its shares were traded at around $29.59 with a P/E ratio of 24.40 and P/S ratio of 2.49. Blucora Inc had annual average EBITDA growth of 14.00% over the past ten years. GuruFocus has detected 1 severe warning sign with Blucora Inc.

Insider Activity: Large Investor in Safehold Inc. (SAFE) Buys $486k in Stock (InvestorsObserver.com)
Istar Inc., who already control 10% of shares in Safehold Inc. (SAFE), bought 15,000 additional shares of the company’s common stock on Jul 12. At $32.41 per share, Istar Inc. paid a total of $486,155 for the new shares.

Uniqure Nv (QURE) CEO, CFO, Managing Director Matthew C Kapusta Sold $571,600 of Shares (Guru Focus)
CEO, CFO, Managing Director of Uniqure Nv (30-Year Financial, Insider Trades) Matthew C Kapusta (insider trades) sold 8,000 shares of QURE on 07/17/2019 at an average price of $71.45 a share. The total sale was $571,600. uniQure NV is engaged in the field of gene therapy platform across three therapeutic focus areas: Liver/Metabolic Disease, Central Nervous System (CNS) Disease and Cardiovascular Disease. uniQure NV has a market cap of $2.79 billion; its shares were traded at around $73.91 with and P/S ratio of 305.43. uniQure NV had annual average EBITDA growth of 1.60% over the past five years. GuruFocus has detected 2 severe warning signs with uniQure NV.

Insider Trading: Sebi Provides Standardize Format for Code of Conduct Violations Reporting (DNAIndia.com)
Markets regulator Sebi Friday came out with standardized format for reporting violations of the code of conduct, formulated under Prohibition of Insider Trading (PIT) norms. Under PIT norms, all listed firms, intermediaries and fiduciaries are required to formulate a code of conduct for designated persons as well as for their relatives and inform the regulator about any such violation. Under the code of conduct, the designated persons and their relatives are barred from trading while in the possession of unpublished price sensitive information (UPSI). Besides they are required to maintain the confidentiality of the UPSI, among others restrictions are placed.

Saba Capital Management – L.P. Sold 293337 shares of Nuveen Credit Strategies Income Fund (JQC) in Insider Trade; Shorts at FR LII (FRLI) Raised By 157.14% (InvestReporter.com)
FR LII INC (OTCMKTS:FRLI) had an increase of 157.14% in short interest. FRLI’s SI was 7,200 shares in July as released by FINRA. Its up 157.14% from 2,800 shares previously. With 84,400 avg volume, 0 days are for FR LII INC (OTCMKTS:FRLI)’s short sellers to cover FRLI’s short positions. The stock decreased 2.17% or $0.01 during the last trading session, reaching $0.45. About 44,098 shares traded. Frélii, Inc. (OTCMKTS:FRLI) has 0.00% since July 18, 2018 and is . It has underperformed by 4.43% the S&P500.

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