Global Hedge Fund Software Market Insight Growth Analysis on Volume, Revenue and Forecast to 2019-2025 (
Global Hedge Fund Software Market report gives a thorough analysis of this dynamic focus of this market with a secondary search. The report sheds light on the Hedge Fund Software forecast, share, demand, development patterns, and also their current industry size. The Hedge Fund Software report forecast for the next several years and examines the historical data. The analysis assesses that the plan patterns embraced by major players that are dominant and studied by the Hedge Fund Software industry size. The report estimates how big this market is concerning revenue for the forecast period. Loopholes are ascertained using resources, and stocks are figured, such as by the info, divides, and also checked through primary sources and secondary sources.
A Citadel Portfolio Manager with a Medical Degree is Going It Alone and Launching His Own Healthcare-Focused Hedge Fund (Business Insider)
Another one of Ken Griffin‘s portfolio managers is getting ready to set out on his own. Prashanth Jayaram, who joined Citadel as a healthcare portfolio manager in 2015, is launching his own fund, sources tell Business Insider. The new venture is going to be called Tri Locum Partners, and the firm has already hired a head of investor relations and business development, Christabel Syham, who worked previously worked in a similar role at healthcare-focused Senzar Asset Management. Tri Locum, sources say, will be market-neutral.
Market-Beating Activist Investor Dan Loeb Just Added Amazon – Here’s What Else He’s Buying (CNBC)
Activist investor Dan Loeb and his hedge fund Third Point, which has racked up 14% annual returns since 1996, aggressively shifted positions in major tech stocks last quarter. Third Point bought 70,000 shares of Amazon, a position worth roughly $129 million at the end of the fourth quarter quarter, according to a securities filing. However, it dissolved positions in Microsoft and PayPal that had been worth more than $360 million combined.

Luis Louro /
Dublin Unit of US Hedge Fund Davidson Kempner Sues Perrigo Over Mylan Bid (
DUBLIN-based Burlington Loan Management – a unit of US hedge fund Davidson Kempner – is suing Ireland-headquartered drug firm Perrigo and its former chief executive, claiming they made material misrepresentations and omissions as Perrigo battled a hostile $27bn (€25bn) takeover approach from Mylan in 2015. Burlington owned 231,737 shares in Perrigo at the time the takeover approach was made, which were valued at $57m (€52m) based on the final cash and share offer made by Mylan.
Michael Hasenstab’s Argentina Bond Blowup Is Only Getting Worse (Bloomberg)
Argentina’s move to delay a $1.4 billion local bond payment this week hardly made a ripple in the broader world of global investing, with most outsiders seeing it as a sideshow detached from the real drama surrounding the looming default on the country’s billions of dollars of foreign obligations. Not so for Franklin Templeton and star money manager Michael Hasenstab. The firm owned about a quarter of the notes as of December, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Odyssey Investment Partners Closes $3.25bn Sixth Investment Fund (
US-based private equity investment firm Odyssey Investment Partners announced the first and final closing of Odyssey Investment Partners Fund VI. The Fund VI is a $3.25 billion private equity investment fund formed to pursue control-oriented investments and management buyouts of established middle-market companies, said a press note from the middle-market PE firm with offices in New York and Los Angeles. The fund was oversubscribed and closed at its hard cap with significant upsizing by existing investors and by adding several new institutional investors. Odyssey will continue to be led by Senior Managing Principals Brian Kwait (CEO), William Hopkins (Vice Chairman) and Stephen Berger (Chairman), and Jeffrey McKibben and Craig Staub who have been promoted to Senior Managing Principal, further strengthening the firm’s leadership team.
Three Wins for Nordic Hedge Funds (Hedge Nordic)
(HedgeNordic) – For several consecutive years now, Nordic hedge funds have been awarded at the distinguished EuroHedge Awards. This year was no exception. Alcur Select, Danske Invest Fixed Income Global Value and PriorNilsson Idea received awards at this year’s edition of the EuroHedge Awards, which took place in London on February 13. Fifteen Nordic hedge funds were up for prizes at this year’s event. Long-biased small-cap-focused equity fund Alcur Select, last year’s best-performing member of the Nordic Hedge Index, received the top prize in the “Emerging Manager & Smaller Fund – Equity Strategies” category.
Hedge Fund Behind Trump’s Favorite Tabloid To Own McClatchy (1) (Bloomberg Law)
McClatchy Co., the owner of the Miami Herald, Kansas City Star and other newspapers, has become the latest casualty of the collapsing industry to fall into hands of an investment firm. Only a day after Warren Buffett’s long-time business partner predicted the death of newspapers, the struggling McClatchy filed for bankruptcy in New York with plans to hand majority ownership of one of the industry’s largest newspaper publishers to hedge fund Chatham Asset Management, owner of the scandal-plagued tabloid National Enquirer.