Hedge Fund and Insider Trading News: Jeffrey Vinik, Ray Dalio, Dmitry Balyasny, Coty Inc (COTY), Valeritas Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:VLRX), and More

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Former Hedge-Fund Titan and Bill Gates Are Betting Billions on Tampa (The Wall Street Journal)
TAMPA, Fla.- As a former hedge-fund owner and manager of the Fidelity Magellan Fund, Jeffrey Vinik is used to making giant bets in financial markets. Now he is part of a $3 billion wager to revive Tampa’s once-moribund downtown. Mr. Vinik is teaming with Cascade Investment LLC, the investment firm of Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates, in the city’s biggest-ever development, known as Water Street Tampa.

Balyasny Said to Cut 125 Staff as Hedge Fund Bleeds Assets (Pensions&Investments)
Dmitry Balyasny is cutting at least 125 people from his hedge fund firm, about a fifth of the total, as losses and client withdrawals erased $4 billion in assets. The firm eliminated 13 stock teams, accounting for about 40 investment professionals, said people familiar with the firm. It plans to reduce the balance of employees from the back office before the end of the year. Job reductions of this size are a rarity in the hedge fund industry. Chicago-based Balyasny, a multimanager, multistrategy firm, started 2018 with $11.3 billion in assets and expects to begin next year with $7.3 billion, the people said.

Countries with the Smallest Government Per Capita in the World


The ‘Big Squeeze’: Ray Dalio, Founder of the World’s Largest Hedge Fund, Breaks Down How the Next Financial Meltdown will Look Different From the Last (Business Insider)
When Ray Dalio talks about the future of the global financial landscape, everyone should listen. That’s because Dalio — the founder and cochief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates — has proved prescient in the past. This was never truer than when he repeatedly sounded the alarm on the credit collapse that tanked markets a decade ago, a proclamation many investors ignored at their own peril. But those same market participants should soon have a chance to redeem themselves, at least if Dalio’s latest warnings are valid.

No Gelt For Greenlight (DealBreaker)
It’s hardly worth noting at this point that David Einhorn lost some more money last month. Was it a month? Is Greenlight Capital still in business? Then ipso facto Einhorn and Greenlight were in the red. The firm sent an investor update after the close of business on Friday informing clients the fund lost 3.6 percent net of fees in November, bringing the loss for the first 11 months of the year to 27.7 percent, according to a copy of the update seen by Reuters.

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