Why Fisher Investments Says Asset Allocation Doesn’t Equal Diversification (Reuters)
What constitutes a diversified portfolio? The general answer probably seems obvious: Diversified portfolios contain enough different securities to avoid the risk of troubles in one area of the market or a single security setting you far back from your investment goals. But this can mean different things to different people. One claim Fisher Investments often encounters: A truly diversified portfolio blends stocks, bonds, gold, other commodities, cash, real estate and maybe some cryptocurrency, so that if one asset class stumbles others might pick up the slack or cushion the damage. In our view, this makes a fundamental mistake: confusing diversification with asset allocation.
The Shareholder of Mountain Province Diamonds (Other OTC: MPVDF) is Buying Shares (Analyst Ratings)
Today, the Shareholder of Mountain Province Diamonds (MPVDF), Dermot Fachtna Desmond, bought shares of MPVDF for $880K. This recent transaction increases Dermot Fachtna Desmond’s holding in the company by 2% to a total of $39.25 million. Based on Mountain Province Diamonds’ latest earnings report for the quarter ending June 30, the company posted quarterly revenue of $75.15 million and quarterly net profit of $22.47 million.
Friday 9/24 Insider Buying Report: COMS, ALPN (Nasdaq.com)
At ComSovereign Holding Corp (COMS), a filing with the SEC revealed that on Tuesday, Chief Technology Officer Dustin H. McIntire bought 60,000 shares of COMS, at a cost of $1.72 each, for a total investment of $102,939. McIntire was up about 10.2% on the buy at the high point of today’s trading session, with COMS trading as high as $1.89 at last check today. ComSovereign Holding Corp is trading off about 1% on the day Friday. This buy marks the first one filed by McIntire in the past twelve months. And also on Tuesday, Director Robert E. Conway bought $97,966 worth of Alpine Immune Sciences (ALPN), buying 10,000 shares at a cost of $9.80 a piece. Alpine Immune Sciences is trading up about 1.8% on the day Friday. So far Conway is in the green, up about 12.1% on their buy based on today’s trading high of $10.98.
Notable Palantir Technologies Insider Trades $7.92 Million In Company Stock (Benzinga)
Andrew Stephen Cohen, Corporate Officer at Palantir Technologies (NYSE:PLTR), made a large buy and sell of company shares on September 23, according to a new SEC filing. What Happened: A Form 4 filing from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission states that Andrew Stephen Cohen exercised options to purchase 281,820 Palantir Technologies shares for $0 on September 23. They then sold their shares on multiple transactions in the open market. They sold at prices ranging from $27.02 to $29.08 to raise a total of $7,924,743 from the stock sale.
Cloudflare Inc (NET) President and COO Michelle Zatlyn Sold $8.8 million of Shares (Guru Focus)
President and COO of Cloudflare Inc, Michelle Zatlyn, sold 66,660 shares of NET on 09/22/2021 at an average price of $132.65 a share. The total sale was $8.8 million.