Bondholders Accuse LBI and HPS of Insider Trading (The Wall Street Journal)
Bondholders say Spanish-language broadcaster LBI Media Inc.’s bankruptcy-exit plan is a product of insider trading and fraud, a violation of the rules of engagement in a market where aggressive trades are the norm.
What Did This CEO Just Do with Personal Shares of Brady Corp (NYSE: BRC)? (AnalystRatings)
Today, the President & CEO of Brady Corp (BRC), Michael Nauman, sold shares of BRC for $880.5K. In addition to Michael Nauman, 8 other BRC executives reported Sell trades in the last month. This is Nauman’s first transaction since reporting a Buy transaction on MOLX back in May 2009. BRC’s market cap is $2.46B and the company has a P/E ratio of 20.49. Currently, Brady Corp has an average volume of 23.78K.
Wednesday 3/20 Insider Buying Report: PLUG, PRGX (
As the saying goes, there are many possible reasons for an insider to sell a stock, but only one reason to buy – they expect to make money. So let’s look at two noteworthy recent insider buys. On Monday, Plug Power (PLUG)’s Director, George C. McNamee, made a $233,840 purchase of PLUG, buying 100,000 shares at a cost of $2.34 each. So far McNamee is in the green, up about 12.5% on their purchase based on today’s trading high of $2.63. Plug Power is trading up about 1% on the day Wednesday. This purchase marks the first one filed by McNamee in the past twelve months.
A Lifetime Of Market Beating Insider Insights With Jonathan Moreland (Podcast) (SeekingAlpha)
Jonathan Moreland of Daily Insider Ratings has been tracking insider buy and sell behavior for 30 years – pre-dating when this data was publicly available via the internet. Despite what many investors believe, using insider trading patterns to determine whether a stock is worth owning involves a lot more than simply adding up insider buys and sells. Moreland uses insider trading as a starting point to narrow down the universe of publicly traded equities to a more manageable size, performing additional due diligence before taking a position.
Insider Trade: Saba Capital Management – L.P. Paid for 11,397 Shares of BlackRock Muni New York Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MNE); Addvantage Technologies Group (AEY) Shorts Increased By 5.77% (The Moveefy)
Addvantage Technologies Group Inc (NASDAQ:AEY) had an increase of 5.77% in short interest. AEY’s SI was 5,500 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its up 5.77% from 5,200 shares previously. With 6,400 avg volume, 1 days are for Addvantage Technologies Group Inc (NASDAQ:AEY)’s short sellers to cover AEY’s short positions. The SI to Addvantage Technologies Group Inc’s float is 0.12%. The stock decreased 1.44% or $0.02 during the last trading session, reaching $1.37. About 29,434 shares traded or 105.75% up from the average. ADDvantage Technologies Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:AEY) has risen 3.01% since March 20, 2018 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 1.36% the S&P500.
Kroger Co (NYSE:KR) Insider Trading Activity – Director Sold 80,000 shares of Stock (MarketExclusive)
Insider Trading Activity For Kroger Co (NYSE:KR): Robert D Beyer , Director of Kroger Co (NYSE:KR) reportedly Sold 80,000 shares of the company’s stock at an average price of 24.52 for a total transaction amount of $1,961,600.00.