Heckmann Corporation (NYSE:HEK), however, takes a different approach with a renewed focus on recycling the produced water. It owns an interest in a Marcellus Shale wastewater recycling facility and it’s in the process of expanding its treatment and recycling capabilities so that less produced water is being disposed of and more is being reused. While few would believe that the fracking process can become greener, that’s exactly what Heckmann is trying to accomplish.
As it works toward a treat and recycle system, instead of the current produce and dispose method, the company should begin to take a greater share of the water life cycle away from its competitors. Instead of offering a simple commodity water solution of either delivering it to or trucking it away from sites, the company offers its customers a full cycle solution. It’s a solution that involves fewer risks and eventually will involve much less fresh water.
It’s a concept that I can really get behind, and a reason why I’m investing in the company. Last month I made the company my one stock to buy, and while it’s bounced around quite a bit, I still view it as a great long-term investment opportunity. There’s so much more to the story than could be relayed in this one article, so stay tuned to Fool.com for more information about this intriguing way to invest in the greening of our energy industry.
The article Why I Bought Shares of Heckmann originally appeared on Fool.com and is written by Matt DiLallo.
Fool contributor Matt DiLallo owns shares of Heckmann and has the following options: Short Jun 2013 $4 Puts on Heckmann. The Motley Fool owns shares of Heckmann and has the following options: Long Jan 2014 $4 Calls on Heckmann and Short Jan 2014 $3 Puts on Heckmann.
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