HealthStream, Inc. (NASDAQ:HSTM) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Robert Frist: Not yet, but we have concepts that they might apply for their nurse — myClinicalExchange through the NurseGrid app. We have concepts that we’re working on that would allow — well, as you know, I think you know we’re working on offering learning to the NurseGrid network and offering learning to the myClinicalExchange network. So our new platform gives us commerce capabilities now that we didn’t have before. That allows us to make products available in both of those networks. And of course, my vision would be to have those work together. I know the teams are working on lots of ideas to make them more interoperable, but right now, we essentially are going to infuse commerce into both of those channels by year-end, in fact. So we’re excited that those will become opportunities in the next really 60 days.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Vincent Colicchio of Barrington Research.

Vincent Colicchio: Yes. You had a very healthy growth in average revenue per employee, nice to see. I’m wondering if you have a growth. A comparable data point for the renewals maybe that would provide some sort of anecdotal indicator as to where the overall metric may be headed?

Robert Frist: Oh, great, you mean at the account level? So we did give 2 examples. Obviously, they are really good examples and — but they are larger. And so it’s great to see 1 account almost double from $16 to $30-plus per person and the other go from, I think, is around $80 to $108.So — but we don’t have that metric wide. Of course, we have about 60 people in account management that manage our top hundreds of accounts, and their goal is to grow revenue per subscriber. And of course, my goal, as I’ve mentioned in the coming quarters and years to get to a place where we can share those numbers globally where averages will start to mean things across our hStream for learning subscription, hStream Credentialing and hStream scheduling, which should launch this quarter.

So I don’t have an answer for you now. We have a couple of exciting examples, and it’s directionally where we’re going, Vince. And we have teams of people, account management, in particular, focused on growing the revenue per person per year. But right now, we can kind of only cite samples instead of reporting kind of averages across the product set. But we’ll get there. I think that you’ve hit the nail on the head about where we’re trying to get, so it would be even much easier for you guys to model our growth. So you’re on the right track, you’re a little in front of us. I need a few more quarters.

Vincent Colicchio: And then the identity management and license management products on the hStream platform, are they meeting expectations?

Robert Frist: Really exciting. We’ve taken that license verification service, which is a data-driven service. We’ve bundled it in with your hStream for learning subscription. So there’s kind of a included kind of concept, almost like Amazon Prime comes with coke free movies, and we all know they’re not really free, but they are included. And so yes, we’ve just surpassed 0.5 million subscriptions to the license service, which is being activated on behalf of our customers that have hStream for learning in their contracts. So we’re really excited. And then we’re converting some of those to upsell to add the other forms of sanction screening. And so — and meanwhile, because it’s an API-driven service, we’re infusing those same services into other application sets and so we’re really excited overall about these new data-driven services.

And I don’t have the conversion rate in front of me, but we do have upselling happening. It’s probably less than 10% now, but we do have it where they get “the license service” included with their a stream for learning subscription in their contract. Again, like Amazon includes movies. And then there’s a buy ops. We have a sales team that calls and offers them the other forms of sanctioned screening as an additional purchase, and we do have a closure rate on that as well. So we’re beginning to see revenues come out of those data-driven license verification, office of inspector general sanction screening as well. And so really excited about the long-term implications of that. And it’s great to see the base users surge path to $0.5 million now.

Vincent Colicchio: And a quick one for Scotty. What was the percentage contribution to growth from acquisitions? I know it was small.

Scott Roberts: Yes, that percentage is probably going to be around 0.5% maybe of the growth rate. It was just under $0.5 million of the revenue in the quarter.

Operator: Thank you. I’m showing no further questions at this time. I’d like to turn the call back over to Robert Frist, CEO, for any closing remarks.

Robert Frist: All right. Thank you, everyone. To HealthStream’s that made this all happen, a great quarter. Looking forward to wrapping up a strong year-end. The analysts that cover us. Thank you for telling our story and potential investors out there, we hope you take a look. We’re trying to get good shareholder returns here with this dividend and deliver strong operating leverage, particularly in our free cash flows and EBITDA metrics. So excited and look forward to next quarter. Thank you, everyone, for participating.

Operator: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude today’s conference. Thank you all for participating, and have a great day. You may all disconnect.

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