Charles Duncan: Hey. Good morning, guys. First of all, congratulations on the end market demand. And so I had a question on the commercial side and then one on the pipeline. With regard to the commercial question, given challenge with — in terms of projections. I guess I’m wondering when or if you’re thinking about providing guidance, perhaps, next year if not yet this year. When would you be comfortable providing guidance and what would trigger that?
Dr. Jeffrey Dayno: Good morning, Charles. Sandip comments on providing guidance.
Sandip Kapadia: Yeah. No. Thanks. Thanks, Charles, for the question on that. I think this year at least we made the decision that there’s sufficient information and you saw from the launch and you continue to see this past quarter, good consistency in terms of topline demand for the product and I think, overall, many of you have a good understanding of our business. So I think that’s something that we would naturally revisit at the start of next year. But no promises right now, but I think, it’s certainly something we can take a look at, but right now we feel good about investors’ understanding of our business and the fundamentals there and I think we’ll provide continue to provide additional color around the business to give you more context as we did this quarter regarding the trade inventory and so forth, so we will provide additional color there to help guide on the future.
Charles Duncan: Okay. Thanks, Sandip. And then to Jeff or Kumar, regarding the pipeline and the ongoing IH study with pitolisant. Yeah. Congrats on the enrollment rates. But I guess the question that I have for you is, do you think rapid enrollment may have caused increased heterogeneity in the patient sample? And I guess, what gives you confidence in the readout, could it be the blinded read on the patients enrolled or randomized withdrawal design. Why are — yeah, just help us think through on that potential readout?
Dr. Jeffrey Dayno: Sure, Charles. Yeah. I will turn it over to Kumar for thoughts on that as Head of our Development Programs. I think it starts also mechanistically. I think it starts in mechanistically and Charles you know this well in terms of pitolisant and how it works. It’s a wakefulness agents through histamine and mechanistic fit in that sort of that patient population. And Kumar can expand on in terms of our thoughts on confidence in the readout?
Dr. Kumar Budur: Right. Good morning, Charles. Thanks for the question. I think that, the study enrolled fast and we were very pleased with it. In fact, nine months ahead of schedule and it’s not just the mechanism of action, just a thought, Jeff mentioned, also the interest from the patient and the provider as well, because of the significant unmet need in patients with idiopathic hypersomnia. In terms of heterogeneity and specific question as a clinical development specialist, we always want to make sure that the patients are homogenous to the extent possible. So we had check parlance first within the study conduct and also in our protocol to make sure that the patients who come into the study with the inclusion, exclusion criteria and the right subject for our study. We have full confidence that we enroll the right subjects and we look forward for the topline data, which we anticipate the fourth quarter of this year.
Charles Duncan: Okay. Regarding the topline read, it is actually been more by timelines within the study or is it driven by, call it, data analysis and can you give us any further insights on that being October versus December?
Dr. Kumar Budur: Yeah. I mean, at this time, it’s hard to speculate, whether it will be early fourth quarter or late fourth quarter. What I can say at this point in time is, we are on track for topline result in the fourth quarter.