Hall of Fame Resort & Entertainment Company (NASDAQ:HOFV) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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So we’ll continue to focus on how do we expand those. We’ll continue to manage the cost as we do, matching revenue with costs and this company is narrowing the gap. And I’m really, as I said before, proud of the team. And I think everybody else who has stuck by us continues to understand the vision here. And hopefully, it’s seeing it come to life. We always say we do what we say we’re going to do. And I believe that, and we continue to do that. There’s not been a false promise we’ve made that hasn’t come to fruition. Timing-wise, sometimes, just like every other company, you see big projects being delayed, you see others being canceled, we haven’t gotten to that point because of the support we have in our community at the state level, the county and the city level and through several other community leaders that are incredible and support us on an ongoing basis.

So we’re very appreciative of that. And we look forward to a great 2024. Even though we’ve had some delays, I think 2024 is going to be an exceptional year for us. As I said, I think attendance growth will be there. I think like the stay will be there, repeat visitation will be there. And I think overall spend per caps will grow as well. And that’s our goal. So I just want to thank everybody and wish everybody a great day.

Operator: This will conclude today’s conference. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation, and have a wonderful day.

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