Haemonetics Corporation (NYSE:HAE) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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James D’Arecca: Yes. And I was just going to say just that. As I mentioned earlier, it just becomes part of who we are, right. If we’re going to be a company that’s high volume with disposables, that has to be a constant objective here is to figure out a way to even reduce cost in a small amount. It has a big effect over time.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay, got it. And then just one final one. So on the TEG business or hemostasis business, can you just give us an update on kind of where things stand with regard to the installed base versus existing utilization of the units that are out there? So in other words like, is it both that’s driving the growth you’re placing new units, or is it more about driving more volume utilization through the ones that are out there?

Chris Simon: Yes. Mike it is absolutely both. We had a record quarter for TEG. We expected it, right. That was the plan this year. We knew kind of where we were coming out of it. Where we were surprised favorably was the robustness of equipment sales. And that bodes extremely well for the future because we see hospitals embracing the technology, scaling the technology, adding additional tags to their arsenal. So that bodes well for the future growth. Obviously, that doesn’t happen if we don’t continue to drive utilization. So in this case, it was both record new equipment placements and continued uptick in utilization. Absolutely led by the U.S., but also complemented by an uptick in China, which may be a bit counterintuitive given the broader challenges that medtech is facing there.

But in our case, coming off of a relatively modest performance, particularly this time last year. We saw a meaningful uptick there and that was predominantly utilization. So nice one, two combo record quarter for TEG. And I think it hopefully answers any questions about the robustness and the growth of that platform going forward.

Unidentified Analyst: Yes. Great. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question coming from the line of David Turkaly with JMP securities. Your line is open.

David Turkaly: Hey, good morning. Just a quick follow-up on the operating margin. You grew at 250 bps year-over-year, and it sounds like you’re saying that’s sustainable or maybe that that can even accelerate. I know you didn’t have OpSens when you mentioned that, but how should we think, I mean, is that 250 something in that range with two years left in the LRP [ph] about what we should expect a year? I know you said nonlinear, but something to that magnitude or more?

Chris Simon: Yes. I think something to that magnitude. We have to get to the high 20s, and we want to make – I don’t want to get too far ahead of our guidance that’s going to come out in May, but we have to make a meaningful step next year or we’re not going to hit it, right. So we’re working on that right now. And we’ll have more to say on that when we come give our annual guidance for our fiscal 2025. But there’ll be – with that, there’ll be a nice indication of how we’re going to get there for 2026 as well.

David Turkaly: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. And at this time, we have no further questions in the queue. Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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