Greystone Logistics, Inc. (PNK:GLGI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Warren Kruger: We’re putting the pedal to the metal. I anticipate that it’ll be, I see the long-term, you know, where we are long-term, I know that our numbers are going to go. I’m reluctant now to say I’m just going to surpass last year’s numbers, but I do think our margins are much more favorable. So I want to talk more about margins than top line, but I do — I recognize that we continue to have to fill sales, and I’ve got to get some of these new products out and in people’s hands and get POs coming in the door. So my goal is to surpass, I can’t, I won’t give you any guarantees.

Anthony Perala: That’s good. Thanks for all the answers and colors you provided and look forward to catching up again after next quarter.

Warren Kruger: Thank you, Anthony.

Operator: [Operator Instructions] We currently have no questions in the queue.

Warren Kruger: Well, we might want to wait a minute or two to see if anyone else has a question, but I just appreciate, I really appreciate our shareholders. We work hard every day. This is — Curtis’s now getting in the rhythm up here. He really, he had some help this Q, but there’s a lot of work involved and a lot of things that he learned that I think will help him in the next quarter. And we feel good about, we feel good about a lot of things and we just hope for a really nice finish to this year and I know ‘25 is going to be a fantastic year.

Operator: At this time we do have an additional question. We have a question from Anthony Perala.

Anthony Perala: I’m sorry to disturb that you there, Warren. I know that was a good closing statement. But just we didn’t mention at all or there were no questions on a potential uplifting. I’m just curious on the team’s thoughts on that? I know you’ve been — you’ve done a lot of work on what the right route might be in the next couple years, but just curious on where we sit today?

Warren Kruger: Well, we’ve talked about it. We actually we talked about it in our board meeting last time. I will say one thing where we are now, we are positioned well in our mark. We do things on a timely basis. We get our reports in. We’re very diligent about that. We don’t want — we want to cross our T’s and dot our eyes and we’ve talked about the cost involved in uplifting and one of the things we’re concerned with is the size of our company and the costs right now that would be associated with uplisting. And we don’t want to get in a situation where it would be smarter to send money back to our shareholders than spend money just so that we can be on a different exchange.

Operator: Our next question comes from Russell Valentine.

Unidentified Analyst: Yes, we were talking about up listing. I’ve been in the market for like 50-years and I have seen so very few companies do well on a reverse split. It just doesn’t hardly ever happen. So I am happy where we’re at and not requiring to have the price high enough to uplift, because the reverse splits never work out. So I’m happy with the answer you gave and I hope you consider that.

Warren Kruger: Thank you, Russ.

Operator: [Operator Instructions] It appears we have no further questions in the queue.

Warren Kruger: Well, great. Brendan, do you have anything to close with?

Brendan Hopkins: No, just thank everyone for the time they spent with us and please have confidence in us to continue to grow this company and grow this market cap and see the full potential for this year evaluation.

Warren Kruger: Thank you very much everyone. Appreciate it.

Operator: This concludes today’s program. You may now disconnect your lines.

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