GoPro, Inc. (NASDAQ:GPRO) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Martin Yang: Got it. Thank you. And then, a quick following up on mixed comments on the 2025 product for helmet. Can you clarify if that’s a helmet branded by GoPro, made still entirely by Forcite, or with — it’s a different product with GoPro’s own hardware in it?

Nicholas Woodman: As we share, we’re going to be launching our own line of GoPro-branded helmets. And after the acquisition, Forcite will be a part of GoPro. So, it will be GoPro designed and manufactured helmets. And then, we also are intending to support other leading helmet brands who wish to tech-enable their helmets as well, serving as a technical OEM supplier to them. Brand counts for a lot in every industry, and we’re looking to leverage our brand to help establish a new bar for performance, convenience, value, safety in tech-enabled helmets, and then use that to then help drive the industry forward with the support of other leading brands that want to do the same.

Martin Yang: Got it. Thanks for the clarification. My last question is on gross margin outlook for ’24. Last quarter you provided a breakdown of different components as source of improvement for margin expansion in ’24. Do you still believe those key components are the same as you guided before? If there’s any changes, what are they?

Brian McGee: They’re the same, Martin. We have the introduction of our new lower product cost, entry-level product in Q2, which is in our management commentary. We have reduced price protection year-over-year about $30 million. We do have identified product cost and tariff savings. The tariff savings might be new in there. We didn’t have that last time. The team has done a good job with that subscription growth, another improvement. There is a potential offset in there that we factored in, which is we’re seeing potential increases in memory pricing later this year. So that can be something that could impact us that we’ve tried to reflect in our numbers, if that helps.

Martin Yang: Got it. Thank you, Brian. That’s all for me.

Operator: We have no additional questions, so I will pass the conference back to the management team for any closing remarks.

Nicholas Woodman: Thank you, operator, and thank you everybody for joining today’s call. As we mentioned, we’re excited to be growing in retail in an effort to expand our TAM, and we believe we can drive long-term revenue, profit and margin growth with our expanded product line and increased marketing activities planned for the rest of the year, combined with our steady addition of more retail doors targeting 7,000 additional doors over the next two years. Lots to be excited about. And as I mentioned, it’s good to be on the build again at GoPro. Thank you, everyone. This is team GoPro signing off.

Operator: That concludes today’s call. Thank you all for your participation. You may now disconnect your line.

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