Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has partnered with numerous companies over the years, however there are two that stick out. Who are they, what areas have been effected, and what level of success have they had?
Although the new Kindle Fire HD will not start shipping until June 13, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (KRX:005930) is already making splashes with its new Galaxy S4, an Android device. Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) makes the Android operating system which many companies use, but Samsung is the largest of these. In fact, with over 10 million units sold in the first month, the Galaxy S4 set a new company record for Samsung. It took the Galaxy S3 fifty days to reach this mark, and the Galaxy S2 five months. Samsung is getting bigger, faster. Over the period of the month, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (KRX:005930) has sold four units every second.
Despite its recent success, Samsung also announced releasing colors including Blue Arctic, Red Aurora, Purple Mirage, and Brown Autumn — something Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is yet to do with its iPhone 5 which has been out for nearly nine months.
No, I’m not including Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) as one of Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s primary partners, but to give a comparison of how well Samsung is doing, it may be beneficial. Samsung sold 4 million units in its opening weekend compared to Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) 5 million iPhone 5s. The difference is what they consider “sales”. Apple’s numbers don’t include shipments, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (KRX:005930)’s generally do. However, the lingo that Samsung used when announcing its 10 million sold units implied that they hadn’t actually shipped that many either. These sales may not have beaten Apple’s record, but it smashed its own personal record.
Apple’s critics are blaming the company for not developing new products. Yes, there are plenty of rumors including an iPen, Apple TV, or a potential iWatch. If Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) actually releases one of these items this year, some of their scrutiny would likely decrease. However, the longer the company goes without creating new devices, there will be skeptics that question their ability to innovate. If this happens, the Apple bandwagon may be larger than ever.
Who knows, their stock could actually gain momentum and please shareholders again. They have announced plans to release $100 billion to shareholders by 2015. This is only about two-third of their current available cash, and this figure will surely grow over the next year and a half.