Editor’s Note: Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)
Google to snub Samsung, hand Nexus 10 to Asus – report (The Register)
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has dumped Samsung as the maker of its Nexus 10 fondleslabs and switched to Taiwanese
Google launches Rs 12 crore hunt for India’s most innovative social (The Economic Times)
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is putting its money where its mouth is — about Rs 12 crore of it, at any rate. The company today launched the Google Impact Challenge where it asks non-profit organisations how they would use technology to tackle problems in India and around the world. The four best submissions will each receive Rs. 3 crore and technical assistance from Google to make their project a reality. The project is also a part of Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s philanthropic efforts. Every year, the company gives away approximately $100 million in grants, $1 billion in free and discounted apps and ads, and logs some 50,000 volunteer hours by employees around the world. In 2012, it launched the Global Impact Awards to support entrepreneurial non-profits with a tech idea for how to change the world.
Google Glass to get ‘3D Space Invaders mixed with Missile Command’ game (theguardian)
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) ended up adopting “OK Glass” as the activation command for its Glass eyewear rather than “Pew Pew Pew”, but the sound of laser guns may yet ring out from early adopters of the device. Developer Sean McCracken has revealed details of his first game made for Glass. It’s called Psyclops, and according to a post on his Google+ profile is “almost done” and will be “like a 3D Space Invaders mixed with Missile Command”.
Google Doodle kitty honors physicist Erwin Schrodinger (cnet)
The man who tried to explain some of the enigmas behind quantum mechanics has earned a Google Doogle. Born on August 12, 1887, physicist Erwin Schrodinger won the 1933 Nobel prize in physics for his contributions to the often bewildering area of wave mechanics. But Schrodinger is probably best known for his weaving a tale about a theoretical cat in an attempt to describe the paradox of quantum physics. The subject of a hypothetical experiment, Schrodinger’s Cat finds itself cooped up in a box along with a small bit of radioactive material, a Geiger counter, and a flask of acid. If one of the atoms in the radioactive substance decays, a chain reaction is set off that releases the acid, thus killing the cat. But if the decay does not occur over a certain period of time, the cat lives.
Vince: The Google Update We Should Be Talking About (Search Engine Watch)
Many people have been ranting in the forums for the past several years about the “unfair advantage” big brands have in Google’s search results. Ever since the “Vince Update” of February 2009, things have been very different in SEO. I suggest that understanding Vince is perhaps the most important way to get your SEO programs on track.