Google Video Ads: When it comes to web search advertising, there is no denying the fact that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is a major player. But did you know that the search engine giant is not top dog when it comes to online video ads? Instead, the company is being hit where it hurts by BrightRoll.
According to a recent story published by, citing research company ComScore, “BrightRoll, a San Francisco-based company that helps marketers place video ads on websites, has surpassed Google when ranked by number of online video ads in two of the last three months.”
BrightRoll, on the other hand, takes a slightly different approach. Here is a brief excerpt from the same article, explaining how the company generates its revenue:
“BrightRoll matches marketers to competing websites, and takes a cut. That has helped it to siphon advertisers away from Google in a market that, according to AccuStream Research, jumped 52 percent last year as more people watch television and movie programming online.”
In the same article, Dan Piech, a senior product manager at ComScore, added some information about the competition between the two companies:
“BrightRoll and Google are neck-and-neck. BrightRoll has been doing an amazing job in growing their business.”
While Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) continues to put all of its efforts into selling ads on YouTube, BrightRoll has the look and feel of a traditional ad agency. The company simply acts as the middleman between marketers and website owners. Rather than actually buying ad space for clients, the company locates websites that are interested in adding video and then connects the two parties. In the end, BrightRoll benefits by taking part of the deal.
Here is a final reminder of what the market has to bring in the future, from the same article by