Editor’s Note: Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)
Screw you, Brits, says Google: We are ABOVE UK privacy law (The Register)
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is disputing a lawsuit brought by UK-based Apple users whose browser habits were slurped – without permission – by the ad giant. Mountain View claims that Britain’s data protection laws do not apply to it as British courts have “no jurisdiction” over the company. Owners of Apple devices who used Cupertino’s Safari browser between September 2011 and February 2012 have put in a claim contending that Google bypassed the surfing tool’s security settings to plant a temporary cookie that skimmed information from them to personalise ads.
Google boosts cloud security with automatic encryption (The Telegraph)
In an attempt to allay privacy concerns following recent PRISM revelations, Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has announced that it will automatically encrypt all data uploaded to its cloud storage service. Under the new service, the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard will be applied to all data uploaded to Google’s Cloud Storage platform. Companies such as Ubisoft and DNAnexus, which use the corporate service to store information including customer and developer data, will receive the service free-of-charge without the need for setup or configuration, according to Google. The data will then be automatically decrypted when read by an authorised user.
Google Moto X knows what you are doing (The Times of India)
How do you distinguish your phone from the more than 4,000 other touchscreen phones? (That’s not a joke. There have actually been 3,997 different Android phone models so far. And six iPhones and a motley assortment of Windows and touchscreen BlackBerry phones. Heaven help the landfills.) Moto X, fromGoogle Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), is being spoken of as an iPhone killer. With its 4.7-inch screen, it looks great, but it isn’t as big or sharp as the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the HTC One. The phone is fast, but processor isn’t the latest and greatest. Here are some features that sets it apart from others.
Google now lets you edit Maps for Bulgaria, Italy, San Marino and the Vatican (The Next Web)
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has opened up Map Maker to users in Bulgaria, Italy, San Marino and the Vatican, letting citizens – including the Pope – update maps for their local area with new landmarks, roads, building outlines and more.
360 degree Google ReefView to study marine life (The Times of India)
Researchers have apparently developed a new way to study the world’s marine life with the help of the 360 degree panoramas from Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s underwater street-view format.Scientists will be presenting the results from the pioneering project that will allow ecologists to harness people power to discover how coral reefs are responding to climate change, at INTECOL, the world’s largest international ecology meeting, the Courier-Mail reported.