Global Payments Inc. (NYSE:GPN) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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So, when we first started this, we weren’t sure number of years ago in the receptivity. Now, you walk into a meeting and it’s kind of table stakes. And I think with AWS, we’re in a very strong position. So, very excited about where we are. And these are the things that I’ve been talking about for a year and half kind of rolling in, and I think as difficult as maybe for the broader macro economy, even today’s announcement of JPM, yes, that’s good news, right? So, I think the more we see toward money center and SIFI, I think the more confidence we have in the tailwinds over the next number of periods. And those aren’t going to reverse themselves immediately, so I think you’ve got a very nice tailwind heading into the next period of time.

Bryan Keane: Okay, great. Congrats again.

Jeff Sloan: Thanks, Bryan.

Cameron Bready: Thanks, Bryan.

Operator: Thank you. Our final question today is coming from Vasu Govil from KBW. Your line is now live.

Vasu Govil: Thank you very much and congratulations to you both, I want to add that as well. My first question is for you, Jeff. I think you mentioned MineralTree grew 20% in the quarter and you’re expecting it to grow 30% for the year. So, I just wanted some color on what, sort of going to drive that acceleration. And if you could also give us more broadly an update on the cross-sell efforts you are seeing for that piece of the business into your merchant base?

Jeff Sloan: Yeah, it’s a great question, Vasu. So, we really couldn’t be more excited about where we are in B2B. And by the way, I know you have that neural treatment. Of course, EVO has now rolled into from the end of March. So, obviously, that’s an incremental tailwind to, kind of what we’re doing. So look, I think the answer to your question is, there is a long and deep pipeline that we’ve been selling over at military for quite some time. The person running our business now, started last summer, I think it was right around July 1, so he’s been very busy building that pipeline. We’re seeing the benefit of that now. We’re also seeing a very substantial benefit from cross-sell of virtual card, where TSYS is one of the largest virtual card providers on the planet into our core business, and that’s growing at rates well north pf 20%.

So, I just think, Vasu, to answer your question, it’s the mathematics of selling recurring cloud SaaS business, the deeper the pipeline is, the more it rolls in. It’s obviously very visible on the cross-sell and attach rate from virtual cards into the core on the software sale is very high. So, it’s really just the mathematics of what we built. In terms of notables, I think we , to be honest, on the February call, I think we talked about U.S. Bank, I think we talked about Citizens. Those are obviously two notable wins. And I expect over the balance of the year Cameron and Josh and team will be describing more. But we couldn’t be more pleased with where that business is and its trajectory and, look, increasing the rate of growth from 20% to 30% or a 50% increase, I think, is evidence of our confidence in it.

Vasu Govil: That’s great. And then just my follow-up on just the macro backdrop. I know you guys are sort of assuming that macro stays stable from here. But I think the risk of a recession is probably higher today than it was three months ago. So, just can you talk about the sensitivity in both the merchant and issuer revenue as to the extent we do see a slowdown and also cost levers that you might have? Thank you very much.

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