Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ:GEVO) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Patrick Gruber: Thank you all for joining the call today and I appreciate you listening to me and thank you for the questions too. I’m glad to clarify some of these things that have been confusing. And we really, I feel pretty good about where we are and I like what I see on the Argonne GREET. I’m thankful that they’re taking a serious approach at getting it right. That’s good for all of us in terms of the 45Z. And one comment on that, just to be clear. The rule that was going to come out is a 40B rule, right? That expires at the end of 2024. What we expect to see is going to be talking about, here’s the key components that are going to be included in 45Z as guidance. So I expect that people will be a little bit confused about that.

45Z is the thing that actually matters. So whatever they say about 40B serves as some reference and precedent. So I expect them, the two things to be different. Whatever they say about 40B and how they implement that, I expect that it will be different than 45Z, but I expect them to give guidance to what 45Z will be. With that, thank you all. Thanks for following us and being part of Gevo. Bye-bye.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for participating. You may now disconnect.

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