Infrastructure investment continues to be one of the biggest needs that every government in the world should pay a closer look at, according to General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) Vice Chairman, John Rice, who spoke during an interview on CNBC. Rice emphasized that governments need to take a keen interest on the kind of policies that they implement as they always go a long way in affecting the kind of investment policies that companies make.
“We are going to make the point about the need for infrastructure investment and it is going to be a need everywhere. We don’t see any country in the world that does not need it and we are also going to make the point about the important role that government play,” said Mr. Rise.
Mr. Rise emphasized the fact that relationship between governments and companies has dramatically changed in that, companies nowadays treat governments as customers just the same way as they treat a customer as a customer.
Big companies have in the recent past been shifting some of their operations overseas as they seek to avoid the huge tax regime in the U.S. in what is normally known as an Inversion The move has not gone well with regulators in the U.S. as they deprive the domestic market of the much needed job opportunities. Rice maintains that for growth to be attained jobs have to be created worldwide and not in one geographic location.
Rice was responding to the fact that General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) has some of its manufacturing operations carried outside the U.S..
“You cannot grow if you are not creating jobs and we have to help create them in a lot of places around the world including the United States and including Australia,” added Mr. Rice.
The biggest challenge according to Rice in an effort of overcoming barriers of trade is the fact that there are huge pools of funds on the sidelines as well as huge infrastructure needs and small, medium-sized businesses all of which are in need of an investment boost. Rice reiterated that General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) has to sit in the middle and act as the connecting function to ensure the success of all the needs.
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