Fuel Tech, Inc. (NASDAQ:FTEK) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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VinceArnone: Actually, for this particular technology application market, there really aren’t any competitors for what we do specifically with FUEL CHEM. But it requires a specific customer need for us to be utilized, and our program is not inexpensive. But if we offer a client the ability to keep their units running during high demand times and by perhaps using a lesser quality coal or a difficult to burn coal, they recover the cost of our program very, very quickly. So, no one else does what we do with this technology, but the very specific need isn’t necessarily out there at all coal-fired units.

Marc Silk: Okay. That’s great. And then the — I’m intrigued by this municipal wastewater site. Can you talk more of this? Like, what are they looking for? What are you bringing to the table? That’s the first question, and then we’ll go from there.

VinceArnone: Yes. So the site we’re looking to demonstrate at is it’s, again, it’s a municipal plant. And in certain stages of the treatment process. There are areas whereby the wastewater becomes less than oxygenated or it has less oxygen that it needs to go ahead and maintain what I would call good quality water. And in this part of the application when it doesn’t have the oxygen it needs, it actually creates hydrogen sulfide. And over time, hydrogen sulfide is going to erode the insides of those lines. So, the application we’re working on is specifically attempting to keep these feed lines as part of the wastewater treatment plant keeps them oxygenated at specific levels whereby they don’t create any detrimental effects to that piping system.

Marc Silk: So how do they find you, by the way?

VinceArnone: How do these guys find us? That’s a good question. Actually, these folks actually were a contact of Bill Decker. Bill is the gentleman we hired last year to help us support the development of DGI. So, these folks that we’re working with are well established in the wastewater treatment industry. And hopefully, they will turn out to be a good partner of Fuel Tech prospectively.

Marc Silk: So the interesting thing is with municipalities versus private industry, it’s not a competitive, let’s say, competition, right? So are you able to kind of work with them and say, listen, we want other municipalities to watch this so it’s more of an open trial just because it’s going to benefit really any water, I mean, any municipality in the country?

VinceArnone: Yes. We’re really — we’re taking this step by step, right? What we need is a first success. And once we have the first success, then we’ll be able to work with that documented science-based, data-driven results. And then we can expand on that documentation, if you will, with other municipalities. So, I think we need to take the first step here and ensure we have a successful demonstration, and then we move forward from there.

Marc Silk: And then I know last call, someone was asking about insider buying. So hopefully, it sounds like you’re getting your ducks lined up. So hopefully we see some more insider buying, and good luck going forward.

VinceArnone: Okay. Marc, thank you very much.

Operator: We have reached the end of our question-and-answer session. I would like to turn the call back over to Mr. Arnone for closing comments.

Vince Arnone: Thank you, operator. I’d like to thank everyone that joined the call today. I’d like to thank the entirety of the Fuel Tech team for their support on Fuel Tech’s activities. And as usual, thank all of our stakeholders, shareholders for their continued support of Fuel Tech. Everyone, have a great day, and we’ll talk to you again soon. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. This will conclude today’s conference. You may disconnect your lines at this time, and thank you for your participation.

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