From Class Rooms to Class Zooms: Teaching During COVID Times!

Intended audience: Everyone, from business owners to managers to consultants to investors, but I am biased…
Structure: This class starts with an assessment of corporate governance (and where power resides in a company), moves on to how best assess investments, then to financing mix and type and ends with dividend policy. Since it is an applied class, I use corporate finance tools on a diverse group of companies to see how they work.
3. Valuation
Coverage: This class is about attaching a number to an asset, item or investment, and given that broad mission, it draws a contrast between valuing and pricing an investment and develops the tools of each approach, with intrinsic and discounted cash flows determining value, and multiples/comparable assets driving pricing.
(1) To value and price publicly traded companies, small and large, young and old, developed and emerging markets, as an investor.
(2) To value and price privately owned and non-traded businesses
(3) To value and price stand-alone assets
(4) To price collectibles
Intended audience: Investors of every stripe, from individuals to venture capitalists to fund managers, equity research analysts, value consultants and financial managers at public companies.
Structure: The class begins with an examination of broad themes that animate valuation and pricing, and then spends a significant portion of time in the weeks of intrinsic value, talking about cash flows, growth and risk, before moving on to pricing and real option valuation. Along the way, we will look at valuation through different perspectives (investors, acquirers, managers).
4. Investment Philosophies
Coverage: This class is designed to provide you with a menu of investment philosophies, from old-time value investing to day trading, with descriptions of the market beliefs that underlie each one, the historical evidence on how well each philosophy as performed, as well as the skills and strengths you will need to make that philosophy work.
Objective: To find the investment philosophy that is right for you, given your risk preferences, strengths and personal make up.
Intended audience: Investors of all types, from individuals to professionals, novice to experienced and young to old.