Friday’s 10 Worst Performing Stocks

8. Abbott Laboratories (NYSE:ABT)

Abbott Laboratories declined for a fourth consecutive day on Friday, losing 2.45 percent to close at $126.71 apiece amid the pessimistic broader market that was further aggravated by news of a new trial over premature infant formula.

On Thursday, a Missouri judge ordered ABT and Reckitt Benckiser unit Mead Johnson to face another round of trials over allegations that they failed to warn a mother about the risks of their specialized baby formulas for premature infants.

The ruling came months after a court sided with the two firms, saying that they were not responsible for a young boy’s debilitating intestinal disease.

Commenting on the reopened trial, ABT and Reckitt said that they would appeal the decision.

“We are disappointed by the court’s extraordinary decision to set aside the jury’s work,” said ABT spokesperson Scott Stoffel.