Foundation Medicine Inc (FMI) New Interactive Cancer Explorer Introduction Call Transcript

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After 82 hours, Dr. Cole receives an email informing her that her responses are now available. With a click, she is taken in to PatientMatch. Now, a report attached to the Foundation Ice report, and she sees row by row each of the responses from of all of the physicians that responded to her. It is important to note that she is also able to see all the responses in our database that it builds up overtime as physicians have answered his inquiry. And she gets the benefit not only of the physicians who were directly responding to her but of all the physicians who responded previously to similar requests. For each the responses, she sees demographic information about the matched patient, their tumor type and genomic profile, the drug they were treated with, how long they were treated with that drug, the response to that drug and any contact information that the physician may have provided or any comments.

ICE 2, in many ways, is a complete redesign of our interactive cancer explorer, everything from the visuals, the technology to the features stack, all designed to optimize the physician workflow. PatientMatch specifically is a critical new feature which allows users not only to manage their patient and use Foundation Medicine’s report but to understand how other genomically matched patients were treated and how they did clinically. It is an extension of the way that they have practiced for years, translated into the technology and molecular information era of present.
ICE 2 has already been launched to select users and over the course of the next six months, will be rolled out to all of our users and we anticipate a complete upgrade from ICE to ICE 2 by the end of the second quarter of this year. With that, I will turn it over to Steve and the rest of my colleagues to field any questions. Thanks.

Steven Kafka, Chief Operating Officer, Foundation Medicine, Inc.
Operator,we would like to open the line for questions.
Question and Answer Session:

(Operator Instructions) I am not showing any questions from the phone lines at this time.

Steven Kafka, Chief Operating Officer, Foundation Medicine, Inc.
Great. Well, this is Steve speaking again. I just want to say thank you again for taking the time this morning to join us. We are very excited to have introduced you to ICE 2. As the adoption of our comprehensive genomic profiling products really continues to grow, we believe that the introduction of this new version of ICE is an exciting step towards ultimately enabling more informed treatment options for patients and we look forward to sharing the experience with this new product over the coming weeks and months. Thanks again for your time this morning.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you participating in today’s conference. This does conclude the program and you may all disconnect. Everyone have a good day.

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