Ford Motor Company (F)’s Lawsuit and Survey Woes

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BrandIndex runs the survey by asking respondents if they’ve heard anything positive or negative about the brand recently, including lawsuit headlines. Ford, even with all its MyFord Motor Company (NYSE:F) Touch issues, is still dominating competitors with its positive brand image, evidence that many more positive comments are made than negative. All the positive buzz has helped Ford keep more of its customers coming back for additional vehicles. According to R.L. Polk & Co, Ford was the only brand in the first quarter this year to have a brand loyalty above 60%.

Bottom line
It’s easy for lawsuit headlines and poor rankings from quality surveys to grab the attention of the masses, but we have to keep in perspective that, in the grand scheme of things, Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) is doing extremely well with its vehicles. Proof of that is found in the BrandIndex survey, R.L. Polk survey, and even in Ford’s gain in market share this year — the most of any full-line automaker. Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) investors shouldn’t worry too much about the recent lawsuit and focus more on what should be a great second-quarter earnings report tomorrow morning.

The article Ford’s Lawsuit and Survey Woes originally appeared on and is written by Daniel Miller.

Fool contributor Daniel Miller owns shares of Ford. The Motley Fool recommends Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F). The Motley Fool owns shares of Ford.

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