Fluence Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:FLNC) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Julian Nebreda: I mean, on the hydrogen, clearly, battery storage will play a role in hydrogen production in order to ensure that your electrolyzer will more efficiently with renewable sources for us . It will depend a little bit on the — plays a much more important role as you are producing ammonia with protein because electrolyzer are easier to allow to changes while the ammonia production systems require more stable. So it depends on what — how you organize your hydrogen production or they went down to ammonia when you say we hire more and need more or less at that what we are. We’re working with some of our customers that are looking at these options to offering them solutions that will help them improve their — the trade value to either people were using our technology for producing both operating electronic. So that’s what I tell you what we work with.

Craig Shere: And on the 2023 — yes.

Julian Nebreda: Well, we continue to be as positive shy. We are — I think the fecal portion of our bases come from China, not all of it, but a difficult portion of it. And clearly, this is an addition of concern for how concerns something that we care about is that we’re looking to work towards diversifying out of China as much as possible. The flowback will allow us to move more to make it easier to move production. But we continue working with producers in Europe and in other Southeast Asian countries. And we’re looking to continue to diversify. But I will say that today, China is still a major supplier. We haven’t seen any issues. There are no problems in production in any of our suppliers. There have been no problems in chip installments and logistics.

We have no signs of any interruption at this stage that we — but clearly solving that our risk manage. When we wrote our risk management capabilities of that we spend time on to ensure that we can manage any potential option.

Craig Shere: Thank you.

Julian Nebreda: Thanks everybody for participating. And as I said at the beginning, the, I could not understand what I was saying when I was really discreet. So clearly, my voice and mic and the speakers in my room, and my accent did not work very well. So we have the script in the IR website. Please take a look at it, if you have any questions, contact Lex, and we will gladly answer that we’ll assure you that next quarter this won’t happen. So thank you very, very much for your time, and we also…

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for participating. You may now disconnect.

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