11 Best Animal Documentaries on Netflix Instant in 2015

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1. Blackfish

Rank by sites 11, Rank by IMDb 9; Overall score = 20 points

Directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite

Orcas are highly intelligent animals which are capable of emotions similar to ours. Yet theme parks like SeaWorld insist on holding them in captivity and force them to perform circus shows for their audience. Blackfish tells the story of one of those orcas, Tilikum, responsible for the deaths of three workers. Cowperthwaite tries to suss out how much Tilikum’s traumatic experiences of being captured and living in captivity affected its behavior and helped form its aggressive personality. The film led to the resignation of SeaWorld’s CEO Jim Atchison in 2014. The huge impact this film had — SeaWorld San Diego announced plans to completely remake its orca exhibits by 2017 — made it popular even among the best animal documentaries on Netflix instant in 2015.

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