With holiday season fast approaching, numerous people around the world are anxiously waiting to depart for their long awaited getaway. Any traveler knows that one of the most unpleasant things associated with holidays is having to put up with flight delays and cancellations.
Following, we would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the top 5 best airlines for holiday travelling. The companies were ranked according to their percentages of delayed flights, based on figures released earlier this year by Forbes Magazine. The rates represent an average of how the airlines have fared over the past three years and they take into account the percentage of delayed flight during winter holiday season, which encompasses Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. This particular season was picked as the most reliable indicator because it tends to be the busiest time of the year for holiday travelling via airplanes.
Curious to learn which airlines are most likely to get you to your destination on time? Let’s take a look at the countdown.
Note: only US operating airlines have been taken into account for the purposes of this countdown.
No. 5: US Airways Group, Inc. (NYSE:LCC)
US Airways is the fifth best airline in terms of delayed flights, with a rate of 15.57% during winter holiday season. The company will soon join forces with American Airlines and is expected to become the biggest carrier in the US airline industry. Hopefully, this won’t decrease the company’s punctuality rate.
No. 4: AirTran
Booking a holiday flight does not have to be an expensive endeavor, as AirTran can help you with that. This airline is the most punctual of all low-cost companies, with only 14.11% of its flights being delayed during holiday season. Although the company was bought by Southwest Airlines back in 2011, AirTran has kept its logo on planes, runways, and in airports.
No. 3: Mesa Airlines
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Mesa Airlines wraps up our top three best airlines for holiday travelling, with 14% of its flights being delayed during the season. The company is a regional carrier for other airlines, such as United and US Airways so you might have already booked a flight with them and didn’t even know it.
No. 2: Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines’ rate of 11.27% delayed flights is almost double that of our leading airline, but it is still good enough to place it ahead of all other companies in our countdown. Talks about a possible merger with Delta Air Lines might improve the company’s performance even more.
No. 1: Hawaiian Airlines
With 6.92% of its flight arriving late, Hawaiian Airlines is miles above any other airline when it comes to punctuality so, if you’re keen on promptness you might consider booking your flight with them this year. Most of its flights are island-oriented, but the company is expanding its boundaries faster than any other airline in the world. Recent talks suggest that Hawaiian Airlines will introduce a non-stop direct flight from Honolulu to Beijing in the near future.