Fathom Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:FTHM) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Ariye Cole: Got it. Thank you. One last thing, you had an effort under way be able to bring in leads for your agents internally. What’s the status with that and what sort of efforts are you making in 2023 to move that forward so that in the future you’ll actually be internally finding leads and selling them to your agents and participating on the back end on the more sale.

Josh Harley: That’s a fantastic question. I’ll tackle part of that and let Marco to add some color as well. This is an area that we’re continuing to move forward, albeit slower than we’d like. You know we talked about the fact that we’ve cut a lot of cost. Unfortunately, some of those costs had to come from employees, and that’s never €“ it’s never an easy thing to do, and these are people we love and care about. These people, we knew their families, and it is very hard to do. But the bulk majority that came from different initiatives trying to right side the business, and that’s one of the areas, because with the lead-gen side, it requires a very large upfront investment. Although the return of investment, you know 18 months later could be significant, and we are really excited about that, during this time period as we were trying to make sure we’re protecting people’s jobs and not laying as many people off, you know protect the company and make sure we achieve adjusted EBITDA breakeven and cash flow positive.

These are all main focuses for us and so we’ve had to put a little bit of backbone up, but even with that, it’s still alive, right? We’re still putting an effort. We’ve got a great team that’s generating leads for insurance business. They are also general leads for mortgage business. They are also generating leads for agents as well, not to the level we’d like. So I won’t say we put it on hold, but we definitely put – I’m not sure how to best put that, but we didn’t much than we’d like to.

Marco Fregenal: Yes, we have become more strategic on our approach and so we will be announcing sometime in the next few weeks our new program called Hometown Heroes, which is exclusive relationship with Hometown Heroes and which will provide leads to certain markets. So I think the best way to describe our approach right now is more strategic, and so we are definitely have reduced the number of markets. But we’ll continue to learn and build a program, so over time then we can accelerate the growth, right, into that. But I think you know the focus of being adjusted EBITDA positive is something that €“ it’s something that we are extremely focused on, and so the leads program has been decreased, but again it’s just more of an aspect of being strategic at our approach, and I think it’s very soon we’ll announce a new program called Hometown Heroes that were very excited about.

Ariye Cole: Great! Well, thank you. Best of luck!

Josh Harley: Yeah, sure, thank you. We are very eager to get to the point of being you know just either breakeven and cash flow positive. Because we want to move past the conversation with investors of, can you be truly cash flow positive, or when can you be? We want to move past a conversation to how profitability can you be? Like that’s a much better conversation to have and so that’s really our focus right now.

Ariye Cole: All right, excellent!

Josh Harley: Thank you.

Operator: . It appears there are no further questions. This concludes our question-and-answer session. I’d like to turn the conference back over to Josh Harley for any closing remarks.

Josh Harley : Thank you. Thank you. Of course, thank you for joining our call today and for your interest in Fathom. For those of you who are Fathom shareholders, thank you for your trust. We will continue to work hard and look forward to sharing future updates with you. Have a wonderful week!

Operator: The conference is now concluded. Thank you for attending today’s presentation. You may now disconnect.

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